29. Fight back

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When Krystle said 'stop' i froze thinking that its stupid and absolutely dumb doing this but i am sure that she must has surely some reason of doing this but Queen Clara is very angry. What if she hurts her? No, i must think positive Krystle has definitely some plan. I hope so.

I just don't want anything to happen to her because she is my friend and i can't see her dying in front of me. " i..i n..need to tell you that doing all this won't do you any good you should stop it", Krystle stammered. It can be clearly seen that she is scared as hell but she is trying to be brave and that's what i like about her.

"You are no one to tell me what to do everyone will have to pay for what King Andrew did, they will have to bear my wrath," Queen Clara yelled and everyone flinched with shock,including Stuart. " NO", yelled Krystle back at Queen Clara and everyone else including myself were looking at her with open mouths. She will get herself killed by encouraging her with more anger.

" what did you just say little brat," Said Queen Clara to Krystle. " i said no, i won't let you harm innocent people who did nothing to get crushed under your revenge," Krystle said calmly.

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