4.The king's spirit

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When they were putting the book back to its place suddenly it fell because it was very heavy and it turned to a page where there was written how to summon the king's spirit. It said,"May the king come to life" chant this three times non-stop with candles around you and ask the king whatever you want in the center of the library.

After reading that they went outside the library. Indu kept on saying that this story is false. Anushka said,"Guys whats the harm in trying?".

Kendra said,"yes it will be fun."

Krystle said," yeah and guys do you all remember that secret passage to go to the library that only we know?"

Indu said," ok but if this trick doesn't work i want 1 dollar from each of you four."

Khushi said," challenge accepted."

During the night the girls quietly sneaked in the library according to the plan.

As written in that book they sat in the center and started chanting," may the king come to life,may the king come to life, may the king come to life.

Suddenly a violent wind started pushing them on the ground. It is impossible because the windows are closed and the weather outside was also fine.

The wind stopped, blowing all the candles around them.

Anushka said while trembilng with fear,"what just happened, i'm so scared guys."

The king's spirit appeared out from nowhere. All the girls shout.

The king said," calm down girls, i'm not here to harm you i'm here to help you. You must have already read the book."

Indu said," its only because we have read the book thats why we are here right?"

King Andrew said," oh yes of course, Please you all have to break the curse and bring me my Queen Clara to me."

Khushi asked," why us?"

Kendra said," by the way you can do it by yourself."

The king said,"only if i could but the both colleges students are cursed and you are among them so its only you who can break the curse."

Krystle said," ok we will help you but we can't do this alone we need some help besides we are just teenagers."

The king said," i know you all won't be able to do this all by yourself so some boys in my college will help you."

Khushi said," yessss! At least we won't be alone we will have boysssssss."

Krystle said," khushi calm down your excitement."

Anushka said," but there are so many boys over there must we take all of them with us?"

The king said," no my child, you will meet them there the destiny will take you. Now i must go but once you find them come back i will take you on a journey that no one must have expected."

Then the king vanished in the air like some dust.

Anushka said," Now what?."
Krystle said," now lets get ready for an epic adventure."

A Royal AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora