14. More than friendship

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After having a peaceful night, meaning that stupid Dev teasing me all the time and telling me that he don't like cats and how one cat scratched him one time and i laughed. Finally after he slept i could had a peaceful night....

We kept following Taffy but we arrived nowhere, i felt like we were going round and round," guys i'm tired please lets take a break." Taffy said," no wait Khushi, there is a tunnel somewhere here we will arrive soon we can't rest we need to keep walking."

i frowned, i mean we have been walking like a thousand of hours and i can't see any tunnel.

" no way i'm going any further my legs hurt for God's sake." Anu complained. kendra became red and blue and i don't know how many colours else," stop complaining like a small kid Anu its because of your lack of exercises that everything hurt with you and by the way you never listens to us so why should we listen to you."

" krystle please tell them i can't walk i need water." Anu begged to Krystle.

Taffy said while walking forward," Guys please a little more of patience i'm sure....."

Just when Taffy was talking and walking at the same time he fell into a hole infront of him. Everyone yelled,"Taffyyyyyyyy..........." And we peeked inside the hole and found Taffy underground. Taffy said loudly," i'm fine guys this is the tunnel come inside it goes deep in my right over here."

Everyone jumped in except  Anu. Indu said to Anu while looking up at her," hey jump in nothing will happen trust me."

"i can't i'm scared."

" Anu, stop being a child and come down right now..." I yelled at her. i really wanted to finish this freaking adventure and go back home to hug my pillow. Really i swear i miss my bed and my cats more than my family.

Finally after insisting so much she jumped in and we all tried to catch her but guess what we did not passed in fact she crushed us under her and i yelled and i felt breathless. OMG!

"Opss i'm sorry" she said while we were under us.

" stop your melodrama and get up i am going to die." i yelled and it echoed in that tunnel i mean i was really dying under her.

When she got up i coughed so did the others no doubt.

Taffy said while laughing," are you all done lets go" Then we followed Taffy inside the tunnel it was indeed dark and Anu as always held someone's hand while walking and it was meeee. i kept assuring her that its fine and normally a tunnel is dark isn't it? its not like there will be electricity inside. Arjun asked Taffy," can you tell us where will this tunnel lead us." 

" sure, this tunnel will lead us to a forest called the forest of Arden where the palace of Queen Clara is"

Jershvine looked suprised," what? Another forest means more danger"

krystle replied him with confidence," well, even if outside the tunnel there was a board written 'enter at your own risk' we would still had to enter so stop freaking out because we already knew that this journey would be dangerous after attracting your very good friend that giant lizard with fire."

" woah! what did just happened" i said with shock while looking at krystle with big eyes. Actually everyone was looking at her with open mouth. Krystle looked at everyone and wondered why were everyone looking at her," what did i do?" she asked innocently.

Arjun,Ross,Armaan,and Dev walked surrounding her and Ross said," what did you just do? you insulted our 'always right friend.'" krystle looked confused.

Armaan said," Jershvine is always right among us and we were looking for an opportunity to bring him down. Thanks dude"

Everyone laughed except Jershvine frowned.

Then the boys went and hugged him teasingly and Dev said," hey i think krystle is just perfect for you." krystle blushed and Jershvine looked away. Awwww it was so cute looking at both of them and actually i agree with Dev and please don't take it in another way. And i do like Dev but just like. Wait, did i just agree that i like him ufff let it be.

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