13. A new companion

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We had a lot of fun in the water specially when Anu jumped in. It was so funny ,she splashed water all over us. And thats how we ended up having a water splash fight.

When we got out of the water oh God! I was shivering and might have catch a cold. Then suddely i realised that we have no spare clothes so, what will we wear?" Guys what will we wear we have no clothes."

Khushi panicked," OMG! No way i am going to stay in these wet clothes."

I don't know why she always overreacts over small things. Dev replied her i guess he loved teasing her," woah,woah! Hold on girl, its not the end of the world."

Khushi got irritated. Isn't it obvious?

Kendra looked towards krystle," hey, you already have your clothes. Why don't you go behind the bushes and get change."

"But....." Taffy came from behind us and interrupted Krystle. And everyone turned to face him.

Taffy said," hey guys i got you all some clothes." Taffy handed us some clothes and obviously they are old but comfortable.

I said to Taffy," thanks i am shivering with these wet clothes."

All of us quickly went to a corner near the waterfall and got changed.

Everyone looked wonderful.

It started to become dark so we decided to sleep near the waterfall and it felt amazing with the cold breeze.

We made a bonfire and sat in a circle.
Everyone started talking about their college life and the atmosphere became comfy with the girls but they were so much fun.

Khushi got up and said," guys i'm not sleepy lets play a game."

Dev said," no way dude i'm sleepy."

Khushi frowned. Dev teased her," In fact, no one will play your stupid game everyone is tired and sleepy."

Khushi was about to say something but then we heard some noise behind the bushes.

Anu yelled and hid behind kendra while everyone got up. Everyone was frightened. Ross said," don't worry i'll go and see."

Suddenly a dog came out running of the bush and everyone screamed even me of course i was scared after confronting that giant lizard.

The dog came near Ross and sat and everyone let out a big laugh.

The dog had a name plate on its neck written 'prince'.

Ross said playfully to prince," hey prince whats up? What are you doing here in this jungle."

Prince barked at him and ran to Taffy.
Kendra giggled and said," i guess pets don't like you."

Taffy said while caressing prince," this dog belongs to Queen Clara he was left alone here after the death of the Queen."

"Awwwwww i will take him with me back home" khushi said with pity.

Indu said," well, if we will go back."

Jershvine said," of course we will go back."

Krystle said," so, little princy will stay with us in this journey."

Prince barked with joy at krystle.

After meeting prince we all went to sleep awaiting our new adventure tomorrow.

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