18. What are friends for....?

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I felt like smacking Stuart against a tree really really hard. I can't believe that he is a prince i mean i can be a better royal person than him. Hey! i'm not flattering myself its just that every boy likes being a prince.

We walked a long route but at least its not very very long otherwise i would have definitely lost my patience in that awkward silence that fell among all of us. Normally we would had long funny talks and a lot of teasing but since Stuart joined this journey with us everything feels strange as if everyone present right now don't even know each other.

While having all these stupid thoughts and cursing 'the prince' in my mind we reached a bridge actually not a bridge but a deep cliff and a river down, i peeped and realized that i have the fear of height and i avoided my gaze to go down and thinking just in case i fall, how would i look. HAHAHAHA NOT SO FUNNY!

There was a thick rope entangled and covering the two sides so that we could cross that cliff and get to the other part of the forest.

Anu looked quite frightened," Taffy don't tell me that we have to cross that please."

Taffy replied," Fine i won't tell you that its important to cross that because the palace is found on the other side of the forest." Stuart chuckled but stopped when Indu gave him an angry glare. 

GOOD GOING INDU! I wish i could give her a thumps up. But let it be.........

" come on Anu i'll hold your hand while walking." Krystle assured Anu.

Anu relaxed a little but she still wasn't sure to be able to do it. I thought of encouraging her a bit," Look dear if you don't overcome your fear how will you be able to move on. Hey girl even if i don't know you too much but i can tell you that you are a very brave girl even if you hesitated and made a lot of complains during this journey but i know that you can do it."

I can see that she was a little shocked over the words that i said because i rarely play a mother's role by giving such emotional speech but she started to calm down and i am relieved as if a big burden has been removed off my shoulders.

" Come on big girl grab a little bit of courage in your pockets and lets go." Armaan gave her a small sympathetic smile and finally we moved on.

We walked in a line because the bridge was quite narrow. Taffy and Stuart were ahead then the girls in the middle and we, were at the back specially me and i was getting irritated because they were walking like a snail no actually crawling like a snail. The bridge was moving but i wasn't scared that's why i kept yelling ' move on faster'. Its not my fault that they were scared of heights.

Indu yelled from in front," Hey we are trying stop screaming at the top of your lungs they will burst."

Wow what a humiliation! I better keep quiet from now on. 

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