I softly placed my hand on his chest, my fingers pressing into his sternum and, other than a tightening in the muscles beneath my fingertips, he remained motionless looking down at me with his cold detachment firmly back in place. "Do I make you nervous, Dakota?" I asked, dropping my voice to a purr watching intently for his blush. I wanted to unhinge him but unfortunately he wasn't going to let me.

He moved quickly, his fingers wrapping around my wrist hard enough to bruise and switching our positions easily. It only took a moment for him to immobilize me as he bent me over the counter, pinning me with his body weight as he draped himself over my back. I could feel every hard line of his body but there was nothing sexual in his hold. It was pure intimidation and I froze beneath him, wary of his intentions.

His forearm pressed against my shoulder blades, holding me down as the cold counter chilled my cheek. His other hand gripped my head, his fingers digging into my hair as he lowered his head to speak into my ear. "No, you don't." He answered my question, his voice dark and threatening. "But if you put your hand on me again, I'll cut it off."

I smirked, not wanting him to know how horrifying I found his promise as I continued with my snarky attitude. "If this is your idea of foreplay, I'm afraid you're a little rusty."

He hissed as he shoved away from me, retreating by several feet, and I straightened my body slowly as I glanced over my shoulder. Kota studied me with barely masked disgust and it actually shocked me. I hadn't had a man look at me with so much abhorrence since before I left home, the last time being my pathetic excuse of a father. Either he really didn't like women or he hated the fact that I affected him. I couldn't decide which but I kept my mouth shut, worried to push him too far. I rather liked my hands attached to my body.

"Get her out of here." Kota instructed and Nathan visibly paled.

"Kota, I can't take her!" He sputtered, giving him a pointed look. "Just let her hang around while we work until the others get back.

Kota ran his hands through his perfectly parted hair, mussing it, as he started counting under his breath again. "Fine." He bit out and stalked away towards another door I hadn't seen before. Without a backwards glance, he yanked it open and walked through letting it slam closed behind him.

"What's his issue?" I asked, mulling over the encounter, even more questions flooding my brain.

Nathan shrugged his tense shoulders as he gripped my elbow and pulled me along towards the same door. "Just watch yourself, Peanut." He instructed seriously, hesitating at the door as he glanced at me, a battle raging in his eyes. "Kota is a man of his word, so don't push him too far or he will hurt you."

There was both a warning and a promise in his voice and I nodded. I liked pushing their buttons, testing my limits, but I knew when to stop. At least, I hoped I did. I was notorious for pushing too far but my chance for escape next week was enough to hold me back from seeing just how far I could press before these boys broke. If they broke, I had a feeling I would be the one to shatter and the pieces wouldn't be easily put together again.

Nathan looked appeased by my agreement and turned the handle to the next room and opened the door. He motioned for me to enter as he followed behind me and I walked in wary of what I would find.

The room looked similar to the first, though instead of a wall with cabinets there was a wall with closed hatches and at one end a large freezer door. I recognized the set up from TV and movies and I knew we had arrived in the morgue.

The air was cooler but it was the scene in front of me, not the temperature, that made goosebumps break across my skin and I gasped out a disgusted, "Oh my God!"

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