"Got it," Liam nodded.

"Thought you'd say that," Justin grinned. Justin cracked a few knuckles while popping his neck. Psh, show off.

"Rule number one," I heard Caleb growl. "Never look away from the enemy."

Before he could lay his paws on me, I grabbed his arm and swung him towards a tree.

"Rule number two," I smirked. "No your disadvantages."

"You worthless bitch," Caleb roared.

He moved at an inhuman speed. Before I could move, he managed to tear some skin off my left shoulder.

"Damn," I muttered. "That freaking hurt."

"I'll snap each and everyone of your bones," he threatened.

"Well that sounds joyful," I half smiled.

He jumped for me again. My first reaction was to take Silver out from my back pocket. Honestly, I keep forgetting about the wand. I chanted a spell and blades of ice collided with Caleb. He manage to dodge most of them, but a few had managed to scratch him a little. Only a little.

"Why does it have to be a full moon today?!" I narrowed my eyes at the moon. "This is all your fault!"

"Pay attention to me and not the moon," Caleb glared.

"Right," I laughed. "You attention whore."

I waved my wand around, casting a levitation spell. Caleb was surprised when his feet were lifted off the ground. I saw Jarrod standing there amused as he watched Liam try to fight off some of the pack. He wasn't doing as good as I though. Then, an idea popped into my head.

"Hey, Jarrod," I yelled. "Catch!"

I threw Caleb towards Jarrod, which the two had been caught off guard and landed with a thud. I zapped some lightning towards the wolf Matt and Liam were trying to fight off. Serenity tried to help, but she kept getting more and more hurt. I quickly ran towards them.

"Where's Justin?" I asked whoever was listening.

"He's over there," Matt nodded his head.

Justin was taking on about 10 or 15 wolves at a time. Justin looked pretty beaten up with his clothing torn and all. So I decided to be a good friend and save him.

"Hey wolfy!" I shouted to one of the wolves. "Wanna play?"

He growled.

"No! Bad dog!" I yelled.

I chanted another spell and sent icicles which hit about four wolves. Nine more to go.

"Thanks Marni," Justin breathed heavily.

"No porblemo," I gave him a thumbs up. "I got this."

"Do you really now?" I saw Jarrod flash in front of me.

"Aw dang it," I pouted. "I wanted to play with your puppies."

He suddenly flashed away. I felt him breathing behind me, so I did what Marnis did best. I sent him flying with air. Except Jarrod wasn't Caleb, so of course he had to dodge it.

"Dang it!" I stomped my foot. "Where's Caleb anyway? He's more fun."

"You mean him?" Jarrod pointed to an unconscious Caleb. "He hit his head to hard."

"Aw poor doggy," I frowned.

Jarrod suddenly had me by the throat.

"Marni!" Serenity screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2012 ⏰

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