Going to Hell

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"We made it!" I screamed. I dropped on my knees and started to kiss the ground. Justin can be a pretty bad driver sometimes. Especially when he's annoyed with someone, that someone being me.

"Marni, get up. People are staring," Justin said while trying to pull me up.

He was right. People were starting to surround us and stared at me like I was some psycho kissing the ground. Ha, as if. Well maybe I was kissing the ground, but still.

I quickly stood up and brushed the dirt off me and looked up at the crowd.

"Ok people! I know I'm pretty attractive, but no need to stare!" I shooed them away, but most of them just stood there and began to shake their heads. I sighed and looked at my school for the very first time.

"Astar High? Well that's original," I scoffed. I glared at Justin and continued talking, "I still can't believe you would want to go to this hell hole called school! And even worse you had to make me go with you! Why couldn't you take Matty!" I whined.

Justin rolled his eyes. "People would get suspicious if I went to school and the 16 year old girl I live with didn't. And Matthew doesn't need to come to school. He's technically 22 and graduated college," He lectured.

He just continued giving me a lecture about needing to go to school so people wouldn't get suspicious and blah blah blah. Like I give a crap. I mumbled some curse words and continued walking towards hell. Yes, I hate school this much. Why do you think I haven't attended a high school for the past 10 years? I looked back to see if Justin was following me, but of ourse there were a group of slutty looking girls surrounding him already. I rolled my eyes when I saw he was being polite and flirting with this one chick. Typical Justin. I kept walking through the school trying to find the office. Then after about 10 minutes, the bell rung signalling 1st period.

"Aw shit," I muttered.

I quickly ran around the corner and down the halls trying to find the office. This place was fricken huge! Where the hell was Justin anyways?! I started to get pissed.


I started to look around frantically. Then I saw this drool worthy guy opening his locker. Maybe he'll be nice and help me find the stupid office. I slowly approached the guy and saw what he looked like better. He had medium length black hair, and light blue eyes. He was at least 6"1'. He looked kinda pale though. I usually didn't check out guys, but holy crap this dude was cute. But he looked like a jerky player so I'll lay off.

"Um, excuse me?" I tried to get his attention. He didn't look up.

"Excuse me?" I tried again. Nothing. Ok, either this dude was deaf or he was too interested at whatever is in his locker.

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me, kind sir. Would you be willing to help this very prettyful girl who's been trying to get your attention for the past few minutes find the god damn office?" What? I was loosing my patience with this guy!

He finally looked at me and smirked. "Why that's not a very nice way to ask for help," his smirk grew wider then said, "Aren't you that girl from this morning?"

I looked at him, puzzled. "Excuse me?"

"You know, that girl that was making out with the ground?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I was not making out with the ground! I was just simply kissing it." I retorted.

"What?" he chuckled lightly.

"You heard me, I kissed the ground. It needs love too, you know!  I mean how would you feel if random people walked over you all day?" I stated. It was true! The poor ground must be so hurt.

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