Miss This

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I pour the customer in front of me a cup of coffee.

"What ah' you doin' here?" Mr. Gale asks me. He's a regular here at Cathy's Cafe

"I'm working. Do you want a slice of pie with that coffee?"

"Depends! What kind ya' got back there?"

"Key lime, wild berry, classic apple, and a new kind that has oreos."

"Get me slice of that apple then would ya' darling?" He says.

"Sure thing Mr. Gale!"

I walk to the back, and cut a slice of apple pie. I look up at the clock. I should have left already.

I place the plate of apple pie in front of Mr. Gale

"Aren't you graduating today?" He asks.

"In about an hour yeah," I confirm.

"Why you still-"

I throw my hands up and cut him off. "Don't worry you're my last customer." I pull out his check from the pocket of my apron. "Here's your check, pies on the house." I say with a smile.

"Your an angel." I make a halo with my thumbs and index fingers and hover it above my head. I shoot him a smile then start walking towards the back. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks!" I yell back before I'm in the back. I take my apron off, and wash my hands. I nod to my co-worker Sandy. "I'm taking off."

She picks up a tray of food and winks at me. "Have fun."

I grab my bag and head out. Once I'm in the car I drive to Carters house.

I get out making sure to take my dress with me. I don't even have to knock. He opens the door. "You're late," he said with a smile.

"Chill we have time." I close the door behind me and pull him in for a kiss. I push him back looking at his nice shirt and dress pants. "Woow. Look at my handsome man."

He chuckles. "Shut up," he blushes slightly while putting his hands around my waist and bringing me closer to him. He presses my lips to mine again. My fingers slid into his hair.

Thats when I hear a gagging noise. I pull away and there goes Adam walking into the room.

"I literally can't go a day without having to watch my friends make out with each other."

I roll my eyes. "I'm going to change."

I step around him and head to Carters room. There I change into a dress and flats. I would rather wear some heals but I wear flats so I won't be taller in pictures. Carter never has expressed he's self conscious of his height but I know him enough to know he is.

I walk out and find Carter's mom walking out the door. She stops when she see's me. "Oh hi Lilly! You look beautiful. We'll meet you there okay? I want to take pictures afterwards."

"Of course. I'll see you there," I called after her.


After leaving Carter's house, we drove to the school. Our graduation was taking place in the school auditorium. Ian and Carter were going there together and we agreed we'd all just meet up afterwards. The graduation ceremony was pretty okay. Of course the best part was the end and also David giving his speech as valedictorian.

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