Cliches Are For Stories

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Should I answer the phone? What would I say, or what would she say? One things for sure, I don't want her to know where I'm at.

I don't know what possessed me to answer the phone, but I do.


"Lilliana! When the hell are you coming back? Its been two days already! Just come back." Her voice started strong but became softer. "Where are you? I can come pick you up."

Wow. She's mad... at me. At least she still thinks I'm in the same state. That's good.

"How dare you! How dare you be angry at me! You have absolutely no right to be even a little bit pissed at me. I should be the one pissed off!"


"NO!" I cut her off. Don't say anything. I don't want to..." I trail off knowing the next word out of my mouth would come out a cracked sound. Tears start to cloud my vision. I think of what happened. I don't want to think about it though.

"Honey, I'm so sorry, I-"

"No!" It same out cracked. "I don't want an apology. That won't do anything for you or for me. Don't call again either."

One single tear escapes my eye but I wipe it before it can roll past my cheekbone. I brush my eyes to keep the other tears forming from doing the same. "You know, as a mother, you're supposed to protect your little girl."

I press the 'End Call' button and throw the phone on my bed. Walking to the wall, I bang my head against it and groan.

The hear a tap at my window that makes me jump. Behind the glass is a blonde with big brown eyes.

I rush to my window and open it, letting Ian climb in.

"Hey." He whispers.

I sigh. "How much of that did you hear?"

He gives me a flat smile. "I'm pretty sure all of it. I don't understand anything though. Want to talk about it?"

I shake my head. I don't even want to think about it.

He nods "Okay. You'll tell me when you're ready."

"Thanks." I whisper.

He walks over to be bed and falls onto it letting his dangle at the foot. I sit Indian style on the floor where his head dangles.

"This room is so bare."

"Yeah." I respond.

"I miss sneaking in each others rooms. Although you and Adam's houses were the only two we sneaked into because your rooms were on the ground floor. I was always freaked that we'd get caught."

"We did one time! Remember?"

"Of coarse I do! Adam's mom was so mad! She was really scary." He chuckled.

"She was though! She freaked me out. I always felt like she was planning to murder me or something." I chuckle also.

"She was like that with almost everyone." He agrees.

"Did Adam really turn into an ass?"

Ian chuckled, but gave me a sad smile. "Sadly, yes. He kind of has."

"Do you think we'll all be friends again." I blurt out while turning to face him. His face is sad.

"I don't know Lily."

"I know what happened between you and David. Carter told me."

He raises his eyebrows. "What did he tell you?"

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