That Crush

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Ian is standing in my front of my door.


He gives me the biggest smile, saying "I thought we could have a movie night." he says holding up a DVD case titled Zombieland.

Holding up a finger I say, "One problem." His smile falls, "We can't watch that movie because we are having a 80's teen movie night", and his smile is back.

"Oh, I see. My mistake."

I shake my head and turn, heading to the living room, and hearing Ian shut the door behind me .

He plopped down in the couch and I next to him.

"SO, what are we watching right now."

"Farris Bueller's Day Off"


"Who was at th-" I turned to see Carter, standing at the door with a bowl of popcorn.

"Look who decided to join us." I said.

Ian smiled even bigger (if thats possible). "Hey Carter. Hows it going?"

"Good." Carter murmured, giving Ian a (very) small smile.

Carter looked at me, unsure of what to do.

"Put in the movie." He did. Then he sat next to me, giving me the bowl, since I was in between the two boys.

I grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it in my mouth.

"Very lady-like." I heard Carter mummur next to me. I turned to him with all the popcorn in my mouth, and tried my best to smile. He laughed

When the movie was over Ian said, "I think we should watch Zombieland."

"We can't. We're watching Pretty in Pink next." I replied.

"I love Zombieland." Carter murmurs.

"See. Carter wants to watch it,too."

"I don't though," I say.

Ian sighed. "Have you even seen it yet."


"Oh my god! You've never seen Zombieland! Now you really need to see it." Ian shouted.

"Ugh, fine then."

Ian put the movie on. When he sat down I rested my head on his shoulder, waiting to be bored but I never was. This movie is hilarious.

When it was over, Ian says "See! I told you it was good."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't get that guy though. Why was he obssessed with getting a twinkie? Twinkies were gross."

Ian gasped. "Are you serious? Twinkies are awesome."

Ian got up from the couch saying "I gotta go, but hey, come over to my house tomorrow, we'll do something. Both of you guys." Gesturing between me and Carter.

Carter looked at me, waiting for my answer.


"Callum will be there."

"I'm there!" I shouted quickly. Ian laughed, and my face grew pink. I didn't mean to sound too eager.

"You still have a thing for Ian's brother?" Carter asked. I turned to him, seeing his face had a frown.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out."


I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to figure out the best way to have my hair. My normal look isn't going to cut it.

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