Chapter 13: Quest Begins

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You were walking and you had to put your feelings behind and focus on this quest. One wrong move and everything could be over. You had to focus and stay on track.
"All of Charleston I have to look and try to find a lead and if I can't then I have to look somewhere else." You thought annoyed. "I don't have all the time in the world."
You were searching high and low and you couldn't find anything. No leads and no gods or goddesses to help you.   You were getting tired and went to an old looking dinner and you were mapping out your next moves.

"Well well well look what we have here." You heard a man sneer. You looked and saw a man wearing a biker outfit and black sunglasses and he had an evil grin on his face that seemed all too familiar.
"Do you know who I am?" The man asked.
You began to think about who he resembled and then it clicked. "Ares!"
"Bingo kiddo." He smirked. and sat down across from you. "It's weird having a demigod half sister especially from  mom."
"Well it's not anything anyone can change." You sighed.
"You're the greatest warrior I have ever seen and you seem to be mom's favorite daughter and I'm her favorite son. Which is why she sent me to give you this." Ares smirked holding up a gold bracelet with a peacock engraved into it  that matched your ring.

"What's this?" You asked taking the gold bracelet and inspecting it.
"I guess this bracelet will make a pegasus appear and that said pegasus will take you to your location for your quest." Ares informed. "Now I'm sure you already know the importance of this quest and how the world is counting on you right?"
"Right I already know that." You nodded.
"So I'll just give you some advice mom has a lot of enemies so you never know who you're going to face but I see a lot of her characteristics in you so I know you can overcome anything. Use your strength to your advantage." Ares advised getting ready to leave.
"Thanks I'll take that advice." You smiled.
"You're going to need it. Make us proud F/N." Ares smirked and then left.

After a minute or so you went outside and you looked at the bracelet.
"Thanks mom for your help." You whispered and pressed the peacock.  A snow white pegasus appeared and nuzzled her nose onto your hand and you pet her.
"I'll name you Mist." You smiled and she seemed to like the name.  You hopped on mist and you were a bit scared as this was the first time you would ever fly on a pegasus. "It's like riding on a horse just in the sky." You thought.
"I have never flown a pegasus before but I think you know where I have to go so take me there." You whispered.
Mist neighed and started to fly.
"Onward Mist!" You yelled and she began to fly at the fastest speed and you were holding on for dear life.

Leo's POV
Life on the Argo II was lonely to say the least. F/N wasn't here to make me smile or laugh and whenever I thought of her I would get sad because she isn't with me and I can't make sure that she's safe.
"I hope F/N is okay and I hope she comes back soon." I thought and sighed.
"Leo are you okay?" Piper asked visibly concerned.
"I- I couldn't even say I love you to her and I do love her and what if-" I started.
"Leo F/N knows you love her and she will be fine." Piper said in a calming voice. "She'll be fine she'll make it out alive and you will see her soon."
I looked down. "I hope so." I muttered.

Piper's POV
"Leo is a total mess right now he really needs F/N I hope she's okay." I thought.
I saw Jason staring out looking at the view with a  solemn expression on his face. For whatever reason Jason is also taking F/N leaving hard.
"F/N will be fine she has to be fine." I overheard Jason muttering.
"It's weird how worried Jason is over F/N." I commented to Leo.
"I don't want to hear that my best friend has a crush on my girl right now okay? Especially when she's on a super dangerous mission! Jason and F/N are just friends thats it." Leo replied angrily.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to Jason. "Hey Sparky."
He looked at me glumly. "Hey Pipes."
"Why are you so upset over F/N leaving?" I asked.
Jason sighed. "We're just friends Piper."
I grabbed his hand. "Tell me the truth." I charmspeaked.
"F/N is a close friend of mine. But she reminds me of a girl  I met before who I was fond of and I want to know if they are the same person. If I found that girl again. There's nothing romantic going on it's just curiosity." Jason answered.
I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder. "I just hope F/N comes back for Leo's sake."
"So do I." Jason softly said.

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