Chapter 1: Camp Half Blood

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It felt like hours since you and Leo were walking to Camp Half Blood and your feet were killing you. The only thing keeping you going was the hopefulness that you had. To pass the time you and Leo have been telling each other jokes and scary stories to ease the pain. 
"My feet are killing me." You said in pain.
"We're almost there and then you can rest." Leo reassured.
"How will I know who my godly parent is?" You asked.
"Your mom should claim you eventually when you get there and then you'll be assigned a cabin. But if your mom doesn't claim you by bedtime for us campers you'll be spending the night in the Hermes cabin." Leo informed.
"And the people are they nice?" You asked a bit worried.
"Of course! It's like a family and I'll introduce you to my friends. Some people in the Ares cabin aren't too nice but don't let them get to you." Leo said smiling at you. You smiled back and you continued to walk enjoying the nature around you.

"Well we're here. This is Camp Half Blood." Leo said with a grin and you both walked in.
You looked around amazed at what you were seeing. People practicing archery and sword fighting. All of the unique cabins.  People  flying on pegasi and kids wearing orange camp half blood t shirts and showing off all their powers.  You looked and saw a centaur walking towards you and Leo.

"Welcome to Camp Half Blood I am Chiron." A centaur said.
"You're a centaur correct?" You asked.
"Yes I am." He smiled. "What's your name?"
"I'm F-F/N L/N it's nice to meet you." You said a bit nervous.
"F/N here was attacked by an empousa but she took it down easily almost as if she was trained." Leo said hyping you up and grabbing your hand trying to let you know that there's no reason to be nervous.
"Leo it wasn't like that you did save me I just helped." You said embarrassed.

"Do you have any clue on who your godly parent is?" Chiron asked.
"Nope just that she gave me a peacock ring when I was born. It's the only thing I have of her." You admitted staring at the ring with a solemn expression.
"How strange." Chiron mumbled scratching his beard. "I wonder... no it can't be."
You gave Leo a confused look and he also didn't know what he was talking about. Before you could ask you saw a girl running up to you three.

"Hey is this the new demigod?" A girl with gray eyes and blonde hair asked. She looked at you almost as if she was trying to figure you out.
"Yep she is. Annabeth meet F/N and F/N meet Annabeth." Leo said pointing at the girl with gray eyes.
"I'm a daughter of Athena and Leo the guy your holding hands with is a son of Hephaestus." Annabeth commented with a slight smirk.
You looked down and you and Leo blushed and stopped holding hands.

"I can show you to the Hermes cabin unless Chiron needs you for something." Leo suggested.
"I don't. Please show her to the Hermes cabin. That will be the cabin you will stay at until you get claimed." Chiron said.
You nodded understanding.
"Follow me." Leo smiled and he lead the way.
You stared at all the different cabins with a grand appearance and you noticed a lot of demigods staring at you as you were walking with Leo.  

"This is the Hermes cabin." Leo said.
You stared at the cabin it definitely wasn't your style it looked like it was the oldest and the most worn down. With a caduceus hanging over the door. 
"This is where all the unclaimed demigods stay until they are claimed and all the demigods who are children of Hermes too." Leo said.  "So there's always a lot of people going in and out."
"It's quaint." You said looking at the cabin.
Leo held the door open and you went inside and noticed the paint chipping and a lot of cabin members.
You looked and saw two boys who appeared to be twins because of their identical appearance with a mop of curly brown hair and blue eyes and a gleam in their eyes. You noticed that one was taller than the other but other than that there would be no way to tell them apart. 

"Is she the new demigod?" The shorter one asked.
"Yes she is. F/N meet Connor and Travis Stoll children of Hermes and co counselors of the cabin." Leo introduced.
"Hi F/N." They said in unison.
"Hi." You waved. 
"Welcome to the cabin this will be your home for some time." Travis said with a mischievous smile.
"Don't let them prank you F/N." Leo warned.
"Come on pranks can be fun." Connor fake sighed.
"Like how there's a spider on F/N's shoulder." Travis said and you looked and saw a gigantic spider.
"Ahhh!" You shrieked and swatted it off running behind Leo.
The three boys were laughing their heads off.
"It's not funny." You pouted.
"It's fake!" Connor laughed. 
"The look of sheer horror on her face!" Travis laughed. 
" I warned you!" Leo laughed.
"Whatever." You sighed fixing your H/C hair.
"Well it's time for dinner. I'll show you where we have it." Leo said trying not to laugh still. 
"Okay well I'll see you two later." You said waving to the twins who waved back.

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