Chapter 12: Athena + Departchure

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The woman walked forward a smirk on her face and you noticed her gray eyes identical to Annabeth's eyes and you saw how her long black hair flowed elegantly.
"Well I'm Athena." She introduced her gray eyes that looked like a raging storm and she looked like she was analyzing you.
"I'm F/N." You politely introduced causing the goddess to laugh.
"I know who you are. You're Hera's daughter. You are the talk of all Olympus." Athena revealed.
"You and my mom don't get along too well if I'm not mistaken." You commented.
"You would be right because I'm Zeus's favorite child and I'm not her child." Athena said.  You then noticed her flashing into her Roman appearance and you could tell she was in pain.

"Are you okay?" You questioned worried.
"I-I don't have much time." Athena groaned.
"What's going on?" You questioned.
"The Romans they stole my Parthenos breaking the Greeks and my spirit. They reduced me to a goddess of wisdom and crafts and replaced me with the likes of Bellona and Mithras. My only hope is for Annabeth to retrieve the Parthenos." Athena angrily stated.
"You daughter of Hera have a quest to do and you must succeed the fate of the world depends on you. The quest you must accomplish all alone. The place you need to find is near. When you find it you'll know. Hold your ring up in a room and a passage should be revealed. You will need to use your wisdom, your powers, and your battle prowess to come out of this quest alive. You must look deep inside yourself and don't run away even when things look bleak. Don't let despair overcome you." Athena warned in a serious and grave  tone.

"Thank you Athena for your help." You gratefully thanked.
"Daughter of Hera don't fail us." Athena spoke switching into her Roman counterpart Minerva and then going back.
"Ugh." She groaned trying to fight it. "Go! Now!" Athena barked.
Taken aback by her tone you quickly ran back to the Argo II to tell everyone about what you discovered. When you got there you noticed everyone was waiting for you and Leo was pacing around. He then turned and saw you  and you both smiled. You ran to him and embraced him tightly.
"Thank the gods you're safe." Leo whispered to you.
"What did you find?" Frank asked.

"I talked to Athena." You admitted. You saw Annabeth's gray eyes widened at the mention of her mother's name.
"What did she want?" Annabeth asked anxiously.
"She told me about the whole Greek and Roman god split and I could tell it was really affecting her. She mentioned that you have to get her Parthenos. She also gave me some advice on my quest." You told the others.
Annabeth's gray eyes softened. You looked down and you didn't know how to tell the others that your journey with them will take a break. Tears were forming in your eyes.
"F/N what's wrong?" Jason asked concerned.
"What aren't you telling us?" Percy questioned.
"Are you okay?" Piper asked worried.
Hazel placed a hand on your shoulder and Leo looked at you eyes filled with concern.
"What's wrong?" Leo asked.

"I-I have to stay here guys and complete my quest." You said your eyes watering.
"What? No! It can't be time yet!" Leo yelled angry and sad.
You looked into his brown eyes and it was almost like you told each other a million words in just one look.  "It is time."
Leo placed both of his hands on your cheek and placed his forehead on yours. "You have to live and complete your quest. I need you alive F/N. Please for everyone. Please for me stay safe and make it out alive." Leo begged.
"You know I will. Please stay safe Leo I need you too." You pleaded. Tears streaming down both of your faces.
You wiped away your tears and looked at everyone else.
"It was an honor to travel with you guys." You told the others.

"Don't talk like this is the end because it's not." Hazel reassured.
"Hazel is right it's not the end you will complete your quest." Frank smiled.
"You're the strongest demigod I have ever met. You could  give Reyna a run for her money. You'll come out on top." Jason grinned.
"You got this F/N I know you can do this. Don't give up no matter what. Bring home the victory!" Piper cheered.
"I might not have known you for a long time but from what I do you're amazing and the heart of the Argo II we couldn't have done this without you." Percy complimented.
"We might not be with you physically but we are with you in spirit and in your heart our bonds of friendship are strong and we are lending you our strength even from afar. Go fight and win and make us all proud." Annabeth smiled and pulled you into a hug.

You felt stronger knowing that all of them are cheering you on and giving you support you looked at Leo and gave him a weak smile.
"I know this isn't much but this might make you feel better because we'll be apart for awhile." Leo began and handed you a gold necklace with a lion on it.
"A lion is called the king of beasts and it symbolizes strength, courage, and wisdom. All the traits that you possess and this will remind you of those things. I know you can do this and I know that you know you can. This necklace also means something more this will connect us no matter how far apart we are. Even if we are universes apart and fate and destiny itself rips us apart this necklace will always connect us. Nothing will come between us." Leo vowed and put the necklace on you.

"Leo I love it." You smiled and kissed him a final time for who knows how long.  You didn't want to pull away and Leo didn't want you to either because once you did you both knew that it was time for you to go.  You pulled away and you both looked at each other sadly.
"Goodbye." You waved to everyone wiping your tears and you walked off the Argo II leaving everyone crying and Leo sobbing.

Percy Jackson: Hera's Mistake Leo Valdez x Reader (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now