I stayed up reading the books until the sun rose and I noticed my mother’s footsteps approaching then immediately hid them under my discarded cardigan.

“Morning mum.” I smiled whilst spooning mouthfuls of cereal into my mouth.

“Your up early.” She said, pouring a glass of Tropicana into a glass.

I murmured something then got ready for school careful to not drop the book and took it to school with me for some more reading and met Leila half way with her siblings trailing behind us. It was difficult keeping secrets from your best friends especially when you've told them almost everything ever since you were in primary school.

I had my earphones in one ear and listening to babble on about world war two I could tell someone had eaten their weetabix this morning. I had a cup of coffee in my hand and a pair of black Ray-bans on I couldn't walk in the heat without them and now found myself more sensitive to light.

We walked to our lockers in the hall, I was turning the combination to my locker when out of no where Brandon decided to grab me by the waist. He looked rather dashing with his aviator Ray-bens on.

“Jesus Christ Brandon you scared the life outta me.” I punched him, returning to opening my locker.

“Sorry just a habit scarring you is hilarious.” He laughed taking off his shades and revealing those tired eyes.

“Didn’t you get any sleep?” I took off my shades grabbed my books making my way to registration.

“A few hours I was trying to figure out what happened yesterday and I need to tell you something, Ia…” But he never finished the sentence his football squad sort of swooped him away.

I made it in the nick of time before the bell rang, I refused to look anywhere near Leila whilst she applied eye liner on I was uncomfortable with anything coming near to peoples eye.

It all seemed normal for once we were surrounded by the noise of peoples talking it was so overwhelming early in the morning I blanked out the sound around me. His usual crowd laughing hysterically about some weird joke one of them made or gossiping and they say girls were supposed to be gossipers it was very stereotypical.

I headed to my first lesson: history. Yawning continuously. Mornings are the worst, unless I was hyped on sugar or caffeine that would be a whole different story.

I stumbled in class and took my place at the back next to an absent Ian telling myself that he’d turn up later but when the bell rung my hope faded.

The teacher began drowning on his daily rant about the civil war and as usual I didn't feel like doing anything but lose myself in music and sketch but I didn’t have the resources so I settled for roughly sketching in my book.

Ian never turned up for any lessons today I convinced myself it was because he was out hunting with his father but deep down I knew the real reason.

When lunch came I had kept my promise about watching Brandon and I was definite I would not be the only ones watching. I intend to support him but most girls would watch just to see a bunch of good looking guys running around hoping to see one of them strip after a victorious win, how pathetic.

Well, I used to be that girl but not as purvey and on a way less scale but when you actually fulfil that it doesn't seem like a big deal anymore.

I managed to drag Sienna with me and sat in the inner benches so we could enjoy our lunch whilst watching the match in a sunny breeze constantly blowing my hair. I laid down my blazer over the benches for me to sit on, prodded down the steps to wish Brandon good luck, whilst trying to spot Ian I was still not giving up hope. He wasn’t there. Big surprise. 

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