Chapter 17 The Traitor's Messanger

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The end is nigh, readers! We're SOOOO close! Like, one or two more chapters and this will be done! For all of you who read this far, I have to thank you for doing so. I won't take up much more of your time, so enjoy the reading!

This hasn't happened before. Was he... asleep??

I poked my head into the room. The two of them were snuggled together, sleeping. Of course, this was somewhat surprising considering that Bendy couldn't sleep. Or was it more like he refused to sleep? Whichever one it was, I knew that even if he couldn't sleep, he would if it meant that he'd be spending more time with her. It was almost amusing seeing what he does.

But yesterday... I don't think anyone can call that amusing...

Knowing I'd have to wake them up, I decided to rouse Bendy first. I learned the hard way that (y/n) liked to throw things at people who woke her up... "Bendy, you gotta wake up..." I said lightly coaxing him awake.

After a second, Bendy opened his eyes. He looked a little annoyed and groggy, but he didn't seem all that mad. "I should have known that it'd be you. Not exactly the way I wanted to wake up. Who knew that dreaming was so intense? It's like you're living your own mind reality."

"Wait, you were actually asleep?!" I asked suddenly interested in what it was like.

"Yeah. Well, kinda. I think I was only half asleep. I kept waking up in the middle of the night and I've always noticed that she's out like a light. Sleep must get to be a lot deeper than that if she can do it for so long...," Bendy replied referring to (y/n).

Forcing myself to move on from the subject until later, I finally got around to the point. "Well, you'll have to wake her up! This is important. Possibly life-or-death important...," I explained remembering why I was even there in the first place.

Hearing this, Bendy seemed a little more motivated than he was before. I knew exactly why he took that a little more seriously than anything else. He'd always think of the gruesome fate Alice met. It was nothing at all like that incident, but I wanted to convey to him that this was very important. Reluctantly, he nodded.

"Fine... We'll meet you in the main entryway in a sec."

I nodded and went back out the door. Out of curiosity, I stayed by the doorway just to see what he'd tell her. Maybe he'd get the same reaction I did. Flying objects within close proximity of my head.

"Hey, (y/n)... Boris said that you have to wake up...," he told her lightly trying to nudge her awake.

She groaned. "Who cares what Boris said...? Besides..., I know you'd rather stay here than go out there and listen to him... And on that note...," she finished her sentence by going back to sleep in an instant. I had to admit, it was a good first shot.

"Believe me, I'd be cool with staying here all day, but this really is important," he tried to explain.

"Fine, lay it on me."

"Uh... I don't really know what it's about yet...," he awkwardly replied.

A little annoyed, she once again tried to get him to stop trying. "Yeah? Well, tell me who's dying and then maybe I'll get up. If you come back and say, "Sammy Lawrence," I won't care at all."

Third time's the charm was probably what he was thinking. Once again he was back at it. "It could be about Colin."


I had forgotten about the poor Searcher. He hadn't been doing very well since Sammy slashed him. She seemed to be listening in a little more. Unlike most others, she actually liked the Searchers which I found rather odd.

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