Chapter 16 Fallen Angel

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Once there was an angelic being who simply appeared one day. She had horns, one of those dresses that make the men all crazy, long black hair, high heels, and a halo. It never occurred to me that she was an angel with devil horns. I suppose that it was rather ironic. People would have expected us to be bitter rivals. Well, I wanted to be bitter rivals, but apparently, that was out of the question. She wanted something a whole lot different. That's why I shouldn't have let her too close. Perhaps, I could have talked Joey out of it. Talked Joey out of making her in the first place. It might have been more her fault that my past memories are all very dull and vague. The ones I do remember are rather horrific or, at least, very irritating. Why do I hold a grudge against this angel? Because she was meant to be my in-show love interest.


"Honestly, Bendy darling, why do you have to be so distant? I thought that you loved meeting new people! Joey told me that you'd always complain about there being a lack of new characters in your show! I'd think you'd be more grateful for my appearance!" her sharp, yet soothing tongue told me.

Her tricks to try to get me to notice her in the way she was thinking never really worked. I could act and play the part of the potential lover, but I never really felt anything for her. Those good-looks never got so much as even a thought of how pretty she was from me. Because she wasn't. I knew she was secretly a monster.

"Get off my back, Alice. I act. That's my job. You're just a side character in this whole thing," I replied without any hesitation. I speak my mind most of the time. I couldn't stand her. An angel trying to appeal to a demon? Coming to think of it now, it seems rather hypocritical.

"Awwww... You don't seem to understand how my popularity is overtaking yours by a long-shot. People listen to me sing and dance! People listen to me and love me! The only way for you to get any more popular than you already are and possibly get back to your number one spot is to marry me!" she told me one day.




What could that possibly mean?! Is she implying something?! Had Joey told her something that I didn't know about yet? That did happen a lot. He knew I hated her. Whenever they had planned a romance scene or episode, they rarely ever tell me about it. Probably because I throw things at them if they do. Last time he told me, I lobbed a dictionary at Joey's face. I performed for one person. And it wasn't Alice.

"Oh, that's nice to know. I'm betrothed to someone I don't even like. Isn't that nice?" I asked secretly burning in my own skin. I hated Joey. I hated him for making her. I hated him for doing this to me. I hated him because he knew I really liked his granddaughter.

"I know! It's great, right?" She saw my unimpressed face and realized that I was being sarcastic and not enthusiastic about my job. "Look, Bendy. I love you. And it's your job to love me. So far, the romance and dancing is the only thing keeping this show alive at this point. People don't care about the characters. People don't care about our hardships. So, Joey told me that we have to become a couple! That's the way things are!" she told me.

What are they trying to do? Brainwash me into believing that there was nothing else to do but follow orders?! ME?! Hardly. I stood to my feet with annoyance. She didn't have to keep reminding me of my steady decline in popularity. To be honest, I don't think it's because of Alice. I'm pretty sure it's because of that rival company who also does cartoons. Some dumb mouse I think. Hah. Well, maybe if they succeed, I'll finally be able to stop playing the in love (but not really in love) cartoon devil. That would certainly be quite a relief actually.

But then... I wouldn't be able to perform for her anymore.

Boris always just tells me to stick it out to the bitter end whether if I like it or not. I don't like it, but I don't want her to go away. That gleam in her eyes is enough to keep me putting up with this woman who's trying to make me believe that there's no way out of this. Heh. Well, I was sure that there was a way to get rid of the cartoon angel. I just haven't thought of it yet.

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