Don't Challenge The Badboy, He Always Wins

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This Chapter Is In Reece's POV

First time writing in Reece's pov so be warned this might not be as good.


"Have fun kids, don't do anything stupid", he told us, well addressing Reece in particular as he was looking him dead in the eye the whole time he was speaking.

I grinned and moved forward to give him a hug. "Thanks Brett, I love you."

Soon Reece and I were out the door and walking side by side towards his car that he had parked around the corner. I couldn't help but notice that it was behind a fence as well as two other cars and that from inside my house his car would be completely out of view.

Once we reached his car I stopped to turn and face him. "You know that you could have parked in the drivewa-"

Before I could finish my sentence he had slammed me against the car door so that our bodies were pressed flush against each other. He leaned in slowly so that his mouth was right beside my ear and.. 

_  _ _  


"You know that you could have parked in the drivewa-" she began but I cut her off swiftly by slamming her against my car door. I noticed her breathing hitch and was aware that I could feel her body pressed against mine, but ignored it.

Instead, I leaned in slowly taking my sweet time and smirked when I saw her eyes widen in fear.

Making sure my mouth was directly beside her ear I whispered, "Don't mess with me again kitten. Just because you're inside your safe home doesn't mean you won't get punished afterwards." I pulled back expecting her face to hold the same frightened, imitated expression but to my surprise she was now wearing a smirk of her own.

Damn, she has a hot smirk. But mines hotter, obviously.

"Your kitten isn't afraid of your stupid punishments. Show me what you've got bad boy."

My eyes widened a little from surprise but I did well to cover it up. Leaning forwards once again I decided to show her just how bad Reece Chase was. I sucked lightly and licked her neck and she let out a soft moan, attempting to hide it but I had heard. Quickly I pulled back before I couldn't resist myself and took it too far.  

"It's not wise to play with fire Naomi. Don't challenge me either, I always win."

And with that note I turned around and walked calmly towards to other side of the car to get into my seat, as if nothing had happened. She stood frozen in her place for a few more seconds then recovered and hurriedly opened the door and sat inside while slamming the door shut.

Starting the engine I made my way towards the restaurant where I had planned to take her out- it was a expensive Italian restaurant that my uncle owned, the food there was honestly delicious. Nearly as delicious as her, I thought to myself silently while sneaking a sideways glance at her.

She was sitting on the seat and looking out the window at the trees whizzing by as if she was deep in thought. She seemed so peaceful and looked so cute with her eyebrows slightly furrowed into a thinking expression.

Hmm I wonder what she's thinking about. Probably me. I mean come on it's not my fault I'm so handsome.   

I took in her attire for the first time and had to remind myself to pay attention to the road.

Fuck this girl is so damn hot.

She was wearing a tight white dress that seemed it was made of silk which hugged her figure perfectly outlining her curves and making her look so damn unresistable. I almost had to stop myself from pulling up on the side of the road and taking her right there and then. Moving my gaze away from her dress I travelled down her smooth, tanned legs and saw that on her feet she had on some nude heels or platforms- whatever their called, it went well with the dress.

My gaze then travelled back upwards and I focused on her face. She was so beautiful and damn those lips looked extremely kissable, parts of her hair were let down and they framed the sides of her face making it look even more attractive- if that was possible. On her ears there were some rose gold earrings and on her neck was a choker. Did she know that I loved chokers?  

How can someone be so perfect? Wait fuck, I've never thought that before about a girl. Get your game together Reece, you're acting whipped. 

That's when I noticed she was staring straight back at me with her green eyes. 

"Baby girl, I know I'm sexy but take a picture it lasts longer", I told her putting my signature smirk on my face.

She blinked a couple times then her expression turned into annoyance. Rolling her eyes she huffed, "Oh please Mr.StuckUpBitch, don't act like you weren't staring at me already." 

"I never said I wasn't", I replied smoothly, shooting a wink in her direction. I took great pleasure in seeing her cheeks heat up and I chuckled. 

"Only teasing babe." 

"Stop with the nicknames it's getting annoying", she said in frustration.

Feigning hurt,raised my hand and placed in on my heart. "Did Naomi just call me annoying?" 

She rolled her eyes for the hundredth time, "Duh, who else would I call annoying?"

"Ouch touché." 

_ _ _

Question: Do you want me to write more chapters in Reece's POV in the future or just Naomi's? Comment below your answer please, I would really like to know.


I didn't have time to write anymore because I had to go somewhere important with the family and wouldn't be back till the end of the day. I promise next chapter will be wayyy longer. I love you guys so much.


Happy Readings,



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