Playing Mr Badboy

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Read this chapter till the end, TRUST ME it's the best part (Naomi plays Reece the sex god)
*sigh* wink wink

Naomi POV

*Ring Ring*

The bell went off signalling the start of Recess and everyone rushed out as quickly as they could whether it was because they were eager to escape the literature classroom and Mrs Lockwood's wrath or to go to Recess, I'm not sure.

Exiting my classroom, I walked outside (yes we eat our recess and lunch outside and not inside a cafeteria, weird right?) and over to my table where my 5 closest friends were sat down. Sally my best friend was already seated next to an empty seat which I guess she has saved for me as she started pointing to me and the seat once she saw me approaching.

My group and the other groups near us were seen as the 'popular' and 'well know' students. As you can probable tell, our school is pretty damn cliche. We have many stereotypes and have our own territories. Territories as in we stick to our area where we hang out.

Here are our stereotype territories-

Popular and Well-known- Grass area on the upper quad in the centre of the school with wooden tables and seats

Nerds- Near the toilets

Computer Geeks- Lower quad and concrete stairs

Goths and Emo- Left side of the school

Druggies- Right side of the school

Average/Normals- Under the Cola (a sheltered concrete place under a roof)

And lucky last the group I hate the most *drum roll*

The Wannabes- Hang out on stairs near our groups.

They just won't go away! They are bloody annoying I tell you, its like having paparazzi everywhere you go at school which sucks!

Anyway, as I reached my table I realised that all of my friends were giggling and snickering at me.

"What?" I asked sliding into my seat beside Sally.

I frowned when they continued.

"Sally told us what happened in literature with Mrs Lockwood," Hannah said laughing. "Jared is hilarious!"

I huffed and glanced at Sally giving her a look that said you just had to tell everyone didn't you while she grinned back sheepishly. Rolling my eyes I then turned back to face Hannah.

"Jared's only hilarious to you because you have like the biggest crush on him." I smirked while her cheeks turned crimson she blushed furiously.

Everyone knew that Jared Key and Hannah Jorgeson both liked each other, it was obvious. They would actually make a really cute couple! They were both good looking and very athletic. While Jared was on the football team, Hannah was on the cheerleading squad and was vice-captain. She was gorgeous with her pretty green eyes, fair complexion and long, wavy hair so dark brown that it could easily be mistaken as black. Now since I'm telling you all about Hannah I might as well tell you about all 5 of my close friends.

To me Sally Ramez my best friend was absolutely stunning. She was taller than me (but then I'm only 5'6, most people are), had a curvy hourglass figure, straightened blonde hair and sea blue eyes. Sally had a boyfriend called Matthew who was extremely popular and although he doesn't play football, he was very well built. Sally was a cheerleader- in fact- she was head cheerleader/captain unlike me- I did track. She was a huge gossip which can be annoying at times but I love my best friend millions and I know if anything happens she's always got my back.

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