A new pet

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Yes the one in the picture is mine! I just got her over the summer!

You were smiling so hard. Your grin was ear to ear. You couldn't contain your excitement. You and Tyler were finally getting a dog. You were even bouncing in the passenger seat of the car like a little kid.

"(y/n), if you get even more exited you might explode." Tyler chuckles.

"I hope not. I've always wanted a dog since I was a kid but my parents never let me. Now that I'm an adult I finally can!"

We were going to the shelter to get a dog. We didn't want some pure bred dog that's going to have a bunch of health issues and more expensive. Besides there are a ton of dogs out there that need homes.


We arrive at the shelter and walk in.

There's a lady at the desk. "Hello there!" She says with a smile. "Are you here to adopt?" 

"Yes we are." I said excitedly.

"Ok. Right this way." She gets up from behind the desk and walks to a door where we hear barking coming from. We follow.

Through the door are concrete cubicles with metal fence doors. 

"Here we are." The lady says.

We walk around to look at all the dogs. Hanging on all the fence doors is information on the dogs. 

"So babe. Which one do you like the best." Ty says to me. 

"I don't know it's hard to pick. They're all so cute and I want to take them all home." 

"Well you can always take one to a empty room we have and play with them to get some sort of connection with them." The lady from the counter says.

We first take what's a husky mixed with some smaller breed. His name his Buster and he's smaller than the typical husky. He's 2 years of age and his old owners couldn't keep him because of they were moving and couldn't take him with them. He's also very sweet and well trained.

The next one we checked out was a smaller dog. They are not sure on the breed. She is a small dog about 15 pounds, white with brown spots over her. Her name is Sadie. She is 5 years old and her old owner passed away from old age and the family didn't want her. She is very sweet and playful. 

After Sadie we started to play with a 7 month English Bulldog named Bubbles. Used to be owned by a hairstyles. Bubbles was a salon dog. The owner would bring her to the salon and she would greet the clients. She couldn't be kept for unknown reasons. 

"I just cant choose one." I slump in my chair.

Tyler kisses my forehead. "I know it's hard. They are all adorable and sweet."

"I just can't. I love them all so much. Can you choose. No matter which one I will absolutely love it."

"I don't want to choose for you. This is your dog. You've always wanted one. I want you to choose one." Ty says.

"It won't just be my dog. It'll be yours as well."

Ty just stares at me with those pretty eyes of his. 

"Fine!" I throw my arms up in the air. "I'll choose one."

We hear a knock on the door. It's the lady from the desk. "So have you chosen a dog yet?"

"Yes we have." I say. "We choose Buster." You say with a smile. 

"Okay. I'll get him for you and get the paperwork for you to fill out."

You get all set up with Buster, like getting him a collar and leash while Ty fills out the paper work. 


"OK you guys are all set!" The lady says.

We say goodbye and leave with Buster, our new member of the family. 

We head to the pet store and gather more things for Buster. We get him a bed, food, snacks, a crate, toys that he himself picked out. 


We arrive home and set everything up for Buster and he settles right in and make it his home. We played with him and wore us all out. 

We put him in his crate and Ty and I went to bed. 

"Good night babe." Ty says pecking my lips as we got into bed. 

"Night." I say and kiss back. As we lied down we started to hear whimpering. It was coming from Busters cage. We get up and go to him. 

"What is it boy?" Tyler asked. Buster looks at him with his big brown eyes. 

"Maybe we should just let him sleep with us for tonight." I say.

"Yeah lets do that." Tyler lets Buster out of his cage and we go back to bed. 

We sleep well that night with an extra member of the family with us. And we let Buster sleep with us every night after that. Whoops. 

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