Coming To, Coming Out

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The last thing I remember is Cati tackling that girl who stabbed me, then I blacked out.

Everything is still black but I hear voices.

"She's still out from all the blood she lost. Don't worry sir she'll be alright. It's only been a few hours. She'll come to."

"Thank you doctor." I hear a familiar voice say. A voice I know to well. It's Tyler.

"You're aloud to stay for 15 more minutes then visiting hours are over." The other voice said.

"Ok." Tyler said. I feel a warm grasp to my hands. I manage to move my fingers a bit to try and squeeze his hand. I want to wake up. I try to wake up. I manage to open my a little bit. Bright white light being the first thing I see. I turn my dead a little and see a tall curly hared man holding my hand. Tyler.

I give him a smile when I notice he has tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you." Tears run down his face.

"Tyler it's ok. We should of been more cautious of those girls." I say grasping tightly to his hand. "I should of known better not to have gone to the bathroom." I say. I try to prop myself up then there was some shooting pain in my shoulder. I it was where I was stabbed.

"Please don't do that. Here I'll get the bed remote." Tyler wipes his tears away and presses a bottom on the bed remote so I can sit up. He sits on the edge of the bed and gives me a hug. I hug him back. We embrace a few minutes before the doctor comes back in. We let go of each other.

"Oh. You're awake Miss (l/n). I'm Dr. Ramoray." (If you don't get where that is from, that's a little sad.)
"Hello Dr." I say.
"So you have stitches in your shoulder and side from where you got stabbed. It will a little while for those heal up and I suggest not moving that shoulder to much. Just get some rest. You will be released tomorrow. We still need to run a few test today." Dr. Romoray said. And he left the room.
Tyler is still at my side. I rest my head on his shoulder. He rests his curly haired head on my head.
"Tyler." I say.
"Yes." He says in his sweet voice.
"I love you."
"I love you to."
A question pops into my mind. "What happened to that girl?" I asked.
"She went to jail for attempt of murder. Her friends were questioned as well and they were in on it as well. I don't know what happened to them. Mark and Ethan are mad that there are people in their community that would do this." Tyler says in a sad tone.
"We could make a video saying what happened." I suggest. "Tell the community that if you are willing to do this that they don't belong. If they can't accept the fact that you guys are with other girls and are willing to kill one of us to be with one of you to just leave."
Tyler thinks a little about it. "That means coming out to everyone that we're dating." Tyler says.
It also means more jealous girls and they would hate me. I take a deep breath. And look Tyler in the eyes. "It's worth it." I say also holding his hands."

"Really?" Tyler says.
"Really." I say.

The nurse comes into the room to check on me and also tells Tyler that visiting is over. Tyler gives me a kiss and then leaves. 

~~~Time Skip~~~

It was the next day and I was back home. 

Ethan was setting up the camera for the video we were going to do. Tyler and I were going to come out as a couple and explain how we meet and what happened.

"Ok the camera is ready." Ethan tells us. Tyler and I are sitting on the 2 person couch, Amy and Mark are sitting in the dining room chairs next to each other and Cati is sitting on the floor. 

Ethan turns on the camera. "Camera is on." He says.

"Hello everybody. Mark here with Tyler, Amy, Ethan behind the camera and two special guests. Cati and (y/n)." Mark points at us and we wave to the camera. "And actually we are their guests. We are in Alabama visiting them. We will enplane that shortly. But we have to talk about something serious. I'm sorry that this isn't going to be a fun video but this is something that has to be said. Tyler, (y/n). Take it away."

Tyler starts to speak. "Let me tell you guys the story of how we meet first. It was a month ago at PAX. (Y/N) had gotten lost and couldn't find her friend Cati." He gestures towards Cati. "So I helped her find her friend and while doing so we start talking and really got to know each other. When I saw her I already thought she was cute." I blush when he says this. "Then when we talked for the short time that we had I liked her even more. When we found her friend I gave her my number. We ended up spending the rest of Pax together and getting even closer together. After Pax when we departed I really missed her. We talked everyday as much as we could. Then I decided to comer over here for a surprise visit. How I was able to find her was because Ethan and Cati have each others numbers. So they were in on it as well. While we were here we had a meet up with fans to do a video that you guys will see later." Tyler finishes there and I continue the story.

"Well at the meet up there were the these girls that were there before we got there. All fans of the guys. When they saw Cati, Amy and I walking with the guys they gave us faces of disgust. We kind of shook it off. After the meet up we all went to a restaurant to get some food. The three girls arrived shortly after we did. At the end of our meal I had to use the restroom. So I go. When I walk out of the stall one of the girls was in there. She ended up attacking me. She wanted to get rid of me because I was in the way of her and Tyler. She truly believed that her and Tyler were soulmates. She ended up have a pocket knife and stabbed me in the shoulder and side. Luckily Cati came in and tackled her and the girl is now in jail. But I ended up in the hospitle and got stitches. Because a girl was jealous." I finish up.

"We are telling you guys this because if you are going to be like this. You don't deserve to be in the community. If you are going to be a jerk or go to the extreme to get what you want and harm others that are in the community, I want you to go ahead and unsubscribe from my channel and leave everyone alone. Deal with your anger some other way instead of taking out on someone else." Mark says.

"(Y/n) is my girlfriend and I love her. Very much." Tyler squeezes my hand. 

"I can deal with the hate guys. But when you get so jealous that you have to kill someone, then that becomes a problem." I say.

"That's kinda of all we had to say about this. Please be nice. And w'll see you in the next video. Bye guys." We all wave goodbye to the camera and Ethan turns it off. He takes out the SD card and gives it to Mark. Mark puts it in in laptop that he brought and uploads the video to his channel. 


We check back to the video 2 hours later and start to read the comments.


I can't believe some one was willing to kill someone to get to you guys. That's sad.

I'm so sorry this happened to you! 

Tyler finally has a GF!!! I'm so happy for him!

A lot of the Tyler fan girls are going to be very disappointed now. But I'm he has gf now. its about time. And I hope those wounds heal.

I like her. She seems very nice. I hope we get to see more of her now! :)

She's really pretty! Tyler please keep her!

Wait does that mean the other girl is dating Ethan!?

"They all seem to be pretty nice comments." Ethan says.

"Yeah, they all seem to be taking this pretty well." Amy says.

"I'm proud of them" Mark says. 

Tyler holds me close to him. "I'm glad they like you." Tyler says.

"Afraid they weren't?" I ask.

"No, I knew they would but I thought it would take some time for them. It took a little while for people to get used to Amy. But they really seem to like you." He hugs me tight but not to tight.

"Hey guys I'm hungry. Do yall want macncheese?" Cati says.

We all said yes. We make a big pot of macncheese and sit in the living room. Talking and having fun.

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