You look Beautiful

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Picture from Tylers Instagram
Setting the Scene

You and the rest of Teamiplier were in Europe visiting Sean and Felix and their girlfriends. Even Bob, Mandy, Wade and Molly had joined you guys!

Tyler's POV

We had finally arrived in the Brighton airport. (Y/n) was asleep on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her up but we needed to get of the plane.

"Hey babe." I whispered as a poked her face. She crinkled her nose.

"What?" She mumbled.

"We arrived." I said.  She lifted her head from my shoulder and blinked her eyes a few times and looked out the plane window.

"Hey we're here." She said.

"Yeah and it's time to get off the plane. We need to get to our hotel and then meet up with Felix, Sean, Marzia, and Signe." I tell her.
"Ok." She says sleepily.
We head to our hotel and drop out bags off in our rooms. (Y/n) and I just have a room by ourselves. We just wanted it to be the two of us. (Just the two of us!)
"I need to take a shower." (Y/n) says.
"I need to take one as well. We have time before we have to meet up with Sean and Felix." I say.

After we had showered we meet up with Sean and Felix at an ice skating rink for some ice skating.
"Tyler do you know how to skate?" (Y/n) said in a little bit of a worried voice.
"Of course I do. Don't worry, I'll help you." I say with a smile. Her face brightens up and she hugs me. "Thank you babe."
Your POV
I'm so glad Tyler knows how to skate. I didn't want to embarrass myself completely failing. Now I know he can help me.
We got onto the ice after putting on our skates.
"Grab onto my arm to help with your balance." Tyler says. I do so."It's kinda like roller skating but with ice instead. Kinda push yourself with one foot...." Tyler tells me. We stay attached to each other for a few minutes while he's teaching me. After a while we go to just holding hands when I get the hang of it.
"Are you ready to let go." He asks in a gentle tone of voice.
"I guess so." I say. We let go and I start going.
I start wobbling a little bit trying to keep myself balanced.
"Am I doing it?" I say.
"You're doing great!" Tyler says. He stays right beside me. As I get my balance I really start to go.
"Tyler look! I'm doing!" I say excitedly! I look at him and he's smiling at me.
"You really are! I'm proud of you babe." He says kissing me on the cheek. He grabs my hand and we continue skating.
"Aww you guys are so cute skating together!" Signe says snapping a picture of us on her phone. She skates over and shows me the picture.
"Can you send me that picture? I would love to post it on Instagram." I ask her.(I would love to see a drawing of Tyler and you skating!)
"Sure thing!" Signe says.
We finish up skating and we all walk around the city. Going into stores and looking at things until we hit up a restaurant for dinner.
We end up having to put several tables together to sit all of us. We sit down and get our drinks.
*dink dink* We hear and look over to Felix dinking his spoon in his glass.
"Now that I got all of y'alls attention Marzia and I have an announcement." Felix says.
"All of us are going to a Ball! The Queen of England is throwing it and has invited celebrities and us(just roll with it) and a couple other YouTubers that live in England to it." Marzia tells us.
"Yeah. And she's letting is bring some friends." Felix says.
"That's wonderful!" Amy says. "But none of us brought anything to wear for a Ball."
"That's ok. I know somewhere we can go and get dresses and tuxs. We will go tomorrow." Marzia says with excitement.
"Well when exactly is the Ball?" Molly asks.
"It's this Saturday ." Felix said.
"That's in 5 days." I said. "I don't even know how to Ballroom dance."
"Don't worry. Marzia thought of everything. She even signed us all up for lessons." Felix told us.
"The dance instructor even told me that she will be able to have us ready to dance by then. We start the day after tomorrow. When we have our clothes." Marzia said.
"If you say so." Bob said. "It sounds fun I guess."
"Come on Bob it's going to be fun." Mandy told him.
"Yeah I think it's going to be fun. It will be like being in a Disney movie." Molly says with a smile on here face.
"Well if you're happy about it then I am too." Wade tells her.
After 2 hours of talking and eating our dinner we head back to our hotel to get some sleep. When back in our hotel room Tyler and I brush our teeth and I quickly get my pjs on and Tyler has pajama pants on and no shirt. I see his toned torso.
"Bane you're staring again." Tyler says.
"Sorry. I'm still not used to having a toned boyfriend." I get into bed and cover myself in the covers. Tyler gets in with me and lies on his back. I lay head on his chest, his arms around me hugging me tight. And we drift off to sleep.
~~~the next day brought to you by "I'm Tyler" tee shirts. Each shirt has a different phrase on it~~~
So the girls and I all went to this dress shop in the city while the guys went to get tuxes. We all found our dresses pretty quickly after one or two try ons. And they all looked like we were going to the ball. Amy had a pretty yellow dress that looked like it was from Beautiful and the Beast. Kathryn had a pretty purple dress that had some sparkles in it and I was still in the dressing room with mine on. It was (f/c) with folds throughout the bottom of the dress. It was a real ball gown. It was almost like a Cinderella dress but without the shoulder things she had.
"(Y/n)! Are you in your dress!" Cati yelled.
"Yes. And you don't have to yell. I can hear you just fine." I say as I walk out of the dressing room.
All eyes were in me with bright eyes and smiles.
"That's so pretty. Especially on you." Cati says.
"Yeah you look great." Amy says. "Tyler is going to drool looking at you in that." She adds.
We get all our dresses. We only rent them since there is no way we can take these back to the states. And what else would we do with ball gowns?
We meet the guys back at the hotel. They all have their tuxes with them as well.
"Ok now we have the rest of the day to have fun." Sean says to us.
We spend the rest of the day sightseeing since not all of us have been to England. And also buying some shoes as well for the ball.
~~~time skip to the next day~~~
Today we start our dance classes.
"Welcome guys. So I understand you only have 3 days to learn how to ballroom dance. That's ok. It's not that hard to learn. My partner Lewis is here to help as well. I see everyone has a partner except one. Don't worry I don't mind sharing my dance partner. Now let's get started."

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