Time Together

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We got to the restaurant and got our table. We ended up putting a few tables together to fit all of us together. All the couple sat next to each other and Tyler and I sat next to each other. Cati sat next to Ethan. I could tell that Cati was exited. I could see it in her eyes and that she could barley contain herself. 

The waitress came over and took our drink orders and left so we can choose our food. 

"So where are you two from?" Tyler asks, giving us his full attention. I looked at the others and they wanted to know as well.

"Oh we are from a small town Alabama." I say.

"Alabama. That's a far away." Tyler says.

"Yeah, it is. We really wanted to go the next PAX. This is our first one we have ever been to." I say.

"This is also our first convention. And we wanted to go to one where we could meet you guys." Cati adds. 

"This is your first convention ever." Bob says.

We both nod.

"Well i guess it turned out great since you're having dinner with all of us." Amy says.

"Yeah it's great being able to meet all of you. You guys seem so nice and great to hand around in videos and now I know it's true. It's even great to meet the girls behind these great men." Cati stats.

"Well we are the best." Mandy says. 

The rest of dinner went great. Tyler and I asked each other questions about each other. I learned that he has a masters in sports, he's had a kidney transplant and he's really handsome without his glasses on. 

Even Cati had a great time. Her and Ethan really bonded. The dinner was filled with stories and laughs. After dinner we decided to leave.

"So what hotel are you ladies staying at. I don't want you two alone, especially at night." Tyler says.  

"Oh we are at Best Western, It was one of the cheaper hotels. So we went there." I say.

"Oh sweet we're there too!" Sean says. 

"All of you?" Cati asks.

"Yeah all of us. We're all on the 3rd floor." Tyler says.

"We are too. We're at the very end of the hallway." I say.

"Ok. We're near the elevator." Tyler says. "Now shall we get going. It's getting late and we have a big day tomorrow. Are you gals going to be here the rest of pax?"

"Yes we are." I say. 

We head to the hotel. We group and get into an Uber. When we get to the hotel we all hang out more. All 13 of us some how fit in into Mark, Amy, Jack and Signe's room. While in there we talk and play never have I ever.


"It's really late. We should get to our room." I say.

"AAWW. Can we stay a little longer?" Cati looks at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"You and your hetrochromic eyes." I say.

"Wait you have have hetrochromic eyes?" Ethan says. 

"Yeah. Ones blue and the others green." She says. she looks at Ethan and stares at her eyes. 

"That's cool." Ethan says. I see Cati blush a little.

"Ok but really Cati I'm tired and want to go to bed." I say.

"Why don't you go. I can stay here." Cati says.

"Ok. But remember how cranky you get in the morning." 

"I'll be fine."

"Fine, but I'm going to bed."

"You do that." Cati says.

"Ok I will. Night guys!"

"Night!" Everyone said.

"Wait let me walk you to your room." Tyler said. I get up off the bed and walks me out the door.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem."

We walk all the way to the room that's at the end of the hall. I open the door.

"Do you want to come in. I don't want to be alone while I get ready for bed." I ask. I didn't want to be the only one in the room. I would feel safer with him in there.

"Sure." He says with a smile. I can tell he knows what I mean.

When we walk in he sits down on my bed and I take my pj's and go to the bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth.

When I walk out I see Tyler starting to doze off. Cute.

He notices me. "Sorry, I'm a little tired myself." 

"That's ok." I walk over to the bed and sit down next to him. We are both sitting against the dashboard with pillows behind our backs. I rest my head on his shoulder and his head rests on mine. My eyes start to close slowly and before I knew it, I was out.

Lost in Love (Tyler Scheid and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now