Thirty- Remember me, Lily?

Start from the beginning

She scrolls through a few clips and a lot of them are blurry and loud, so not much information is processed. All of a sudden a scene comes on and a light flickers on, revealing a dimly lit room. The walls of the bedroom are painted a light red and the bed stands in the middle, neatly made and perfect. Then in stumbles Niall, clearly a bit intoxicated. A slim figure walks past quickly to the other side of the room, and from the camera angle, you can see the figure has a small, petite frame and long, dark brown hair that flows down to her ribs. Her short dress had ridden up completely and she grabs something from the bedside table and walks over to the camera. Niall flops onto the bed but the view is temporarily blocked by the figures head- which I then recognise as Ella.

‘Hi there, Lily.’ Ella whispers quickly to the camera, her big brown eyes shining. ‘Remember me? Yes, I’m the sister of the boy’s heart you basically ripped out of his chest. Yeah, you remember me now, don’t you? I’m going to make life a living hell for you, just as a thank you.’ She slurs, blinking intimidatingly. ‘Starting with making you feel like shit, just the way my brother did.’ The camera angle changes slightly to show Niall without a shirt and Ella starting to strip off, and just as the lights simmer down, Lily turns off the camera. Her left hand is clenched in a tight ball, signalling her stress and discomfort. I bring her in for another tight hug. I couldn’t begin to imagine how shit Lily would be feeling now. Almost as an alarm, my phone goes off from the bench.

‘One second.’ I whisper, leaving a broken Lily on the couch. I bounce over to the bench where the screen lights up. I unlock the phone hesitantly, either expecting it to be Niall or Zayn or the boys or a friend- but it’s a text from my work.
‘We tried to contact you through email and by coming up to see you last night, but you weren’t home. This isn’t easy to say but you’re fired due to the common absences lately. We apologize greatly.’  I scan the text, unable to process what it read. I wasn’t feeling upset, angry or guilty at the slightest- just shocked. I’d worked there for who knows how long and one day they send me a text telling me I’m fired? A bit shocking- maybe it was time I was to move on, anyways. I place the phone back down on the bench and silently move back to my spot on the couch.
‘Who was it?’ Lily asks, sniffing. I don’t really process what she’s saying at first but then I realize she was talking, and my brain goes numb trying to search for a response.

‘Work.’ I reply simply, drawing circles on her knee. ‘I’m fired.’ I blurt out and Lily’s head snaps up.
‘Oh god Violet-‘ she starts but I simply cut her off, wanting to move back to her subject, having to worry about me later.
‘Have you even heard from Niall?’ I ask, but the look on Lily’s face shows me there’s no need to regret what I’d said.
‘I don’t know…’ She shrugs, sniffing again.
‘What do you mean you don’t know? How can you not know?’ I frown, looking into Lily’s eyes.
‘Well I texted him telling him it was over.’ She states.
‘…and then?’
‘I threw my phone down the stairwell.’ She shrugs it off as if it was nothing. My eyes practically bulge from their eye sockets in shock.
‘WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!’ I shout softly. She sighs and shakes her head.
‘Out of anger, Violet.’ She just closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in, calming herself. The atmosphere isn’t quite awkward, but it certainly isn’t normal for a few minutes. There is an almost mutual silence between us both. I feel almost selfish but my mind flickers to work, and how I’m going to pay the bills and such now I don’t have a job.

‘How am I going to pay rent?’ I think aloud, not meaning to. My hand flies to my mouth. Lily looks up but doesn’t say anything, instead she’s rather confused.
‘I’m so sorry that’s so selfish it’s not your problem!’ I apologize, feeling a wave of stress wash over me.
‘It’s okay Violet, really. I think I just need to think things through with Niall. I haven’t really judged the situation fully yet. As for you, I think we need to jump on the internet and find you a new job.’ She sighs, getting up and heading straight for her laptop. I really should object but I know she’s right. The lid flips open and she keys in her password to the bright screen as I sit there and watch her type away, sniffing. I think we both felt pretty hopeless. As she keys in a job seeking sight, she lights up and turns to me.
‘Violet- didn’t the boys say they needed a stylist for when they head to America?’ Lily frowns, her sparkling eyes questioning mine. I nod solemnly, recalling that they’d probably already found one.
‘Well the boys would be happy to accept you as one, I mean they know how well you dress and remember how you chose their outfit for the Project?’ Lily suggests, and I have a think. I did pick their outfits, and they looked fit if I say so myself.

‘Should I call them?’ I bite my lip.
‘Call everyone but Niall.’ She jokes, and a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. I chuckle and pick up my phone, dialling Paul’s number. After four or five rings, a husky voice appears on the other end.
‘Paul Higgins.’ He roughly grunts.
‘Pauly, it’s Violet.’ I chorus, hoping the boys are free.
‘Oh, I’ll get Zayn. Za-‘ I quickly cut him off, hoping to talk to talk to him.
‘No no, Paul- I was wondering, is that stylists’ spot still open?’ He hesitates and I hear a shuffle before he confirms it.
‘Do you remember me dressing the boys before the Project? Well I’m applying for the job.’
‘Well Violet, it’s a big risk and stuff. The boys are a big job and-‘
‘It’s nothing I haven’t handled.’ I shrug while Lily stifles a laugh beside me.
‘Well we’ll organise things when we’re back in Melbourne. But I guess you’re in.’ He groans.
‘What!? THAT EASILY? YOU’RE KIDDING! THANKYOU PAUL LOVE YOU!’ I squeal, shaking the couch.
‘TELL NIALL I SAID HE’S A DOUCHE BAG!’ Lily shouts into the phone, and I hear Paul grunt.
‘Is this about last night?’ Paul questions.
‘You know about that?’ The line suddenly drops silent.
‘Yes but that’s probably for Lily and Niall to sort out. I’ll tell Zayn you called. Bye Violet.’
‘Bye Paul.’ And with that, I was now the boys’ stylist for the new tour. 

Stand Up (1D - Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara