Three- Meeting Malik

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I groan as we walk into Myers, and are immediately bombarded with posters and flyers and things to try. I shove half the people out of the way, but so far, it's not making any effect on anyone. Monique has never been more excited in her life (except for yesterday morning, of course.) All of a sudden, she unlinks her arm from in mine and runs off. I try to follow her but girls are pushing me back. I was getting frustrated so I shoved as hard as I could, finally getting through about ten girls. I reached the steps of the basement, where about ten men stood. They were asking to see tickets and things, so I showed them my wristband and they told me to go to the 'left side of the railing'. I followed the line down there and found myself about 100 people from the front of the line. One Direction weren't there yet, so I guessed I wouldn't be moving for another hour or so, but the tension in here was rising.

Around 20 people in front of me stood Monique, excitedly chatting to another girl wearing a cat outfit. 'That's what I call dedication!' I chuckle.  

'I know right- it's silly, but it's cute.' A girl with brown curly hair said in front of me. She turned around and she was absolutely gorgeous. It was girls like her that made me self-conscious. You couldn't see much of her face at first- she wore a hoodie that covered most of her hair, and shades to cover her eyes. She looked like she was in disguise, but I brushed the idea off- why would someone famous be at the signing? We smile together, scanning the crowd for more costumes. The girl points to another fan who was wearing exactly what the curly haired boy wore in the poster behind the table. She even had curly hair brown hair and dimples, just like him. They looked as though they could be twins.  

'Her and Harry might as well be twins!' She giggled. Harry. And she read my thoughts. Funny.  

'Yeah... What about her!' I point to Monique who was dressed like err... the blonde one today. The girl laughed and nodded, scanning the line behind me.  

'Oh there's my friend. Sorry, excuse me...' her voice faded behind all the talking and squealing as she joined her friend with a similar 'disguise' who was about 15 spots behind.

I sigh and turn back to the front, and all of a sudden I hear a rather deafening scream from all the girls in front of me. I jump up onto a bar on the nearby wall, and over all the bobbing head I could see One Direction come out from a side door. I smile as I see the boys that I saw yesterday morning at McDonalds. I can pick out the blonde one who I think's name is Niall, Harry the curly haired one, Zayn, the boy I bumped into several times, and Liam, the one who's afraid of spoons. Oh, and I can't forget Louis... I've had multiple lectures on how to say his name. They all wave and sit down at the small tables near the front of the room. I take out the CD Monique gave me to be signed from my backpack and scan it- the songs that I can recall on here aren't too bad. I have a look for the one song that was written by Ed Sheeran and I start humming the lyrics- that is by far my favourite song from the whole album. As the line slowly creeps forward, I hear more girls squeal. It's going to be hell for anyone who is further back in the queue, because the boys seem to be having nice chats with the girls.

It takes me about 30 minutes to get about 80 spots up, and right now, Monique was at the front of the line. I could see her face- she was nearly crying. I smiled and took another step forward. I could see Liam and Monique in a conversation, and she had the biggest grin on her face. He signed her album and she shuffled along to Louis, who was singing something I couldn't quite hear. I saw that Monique started to sing along as well, and I broke into laughter. The girl in front of me saw what was happening and started to laugh with me. Everyone shuffled forward as Monique moved onto Harry, who gave her a cheeky wink and passed the album onto Niall. Niall quickly signs the album and leans across the table and hugs Monique, who I can imagine is overwhelmed. In fact, she's probably taking notes on how nice he smells. I smirk at this, because it's most likely that she actually is.

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