Chapter 1

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  "Welcome, dear ones," A voice says as we walk into a room. 

  "Hello Kira," we greet and she smiles happily. She leads us down the hallway. 

  "So you have decided to start your discovery, yes?" Kira confirms once more and we all nod.

  "Yes, we are going to start," Zal replies confidently and Kira smiles happily. 

  "I'm glad you have made this decision," Kira says honestly and she suddenly vanishes and appears again, this time, four of herself appear.

  "I will help you all, but you must go into one of the rooms each," one of the Kira says. "I have the power of duplication, so this should not bother you much."

  "It won't," Odette says happily and one of the Kira holds my hand as Zal whispers to me, "Be careful there, have fun."

  "Let's go in," Kira says as we enter a room. The room is dark, and I can barely see anything. Kira tells me to sit on the chair first as she sets up the machine.

  "You will be looking at some things on the screen later, that might help you to know why you are unique. It is not easy to interpret it, but try to," Kira says. "You don't have to worry much."

  "Okay," I say.

  "And then, after today, all of you will go into a special room, designed for special purposes, and you will start discovering who you truly are. That machine in the other room needs time to power up, so you will go in there every two days, which mean one day of hard work here, and another of rest, which means you can go out with your friends around this area."

  "Sounds great," I reply, with a hint of happiness. 

  "Okay, if you're alright now, come here," Kira says happily.

  She brings me to machine and tells me to stand still. I stand as still as possible and she work with the machine for a bit. The screen in front of me lights up and I stare at it.

  "I have to leave this room in order for the infomation, pictures, or even music to come on. Just stay still, and watch the screen closely. When it ends, I will come in," Kira says.

  "Okay," I reply softly as she presses something and nods. 

  "See you," Kira says quietly as she leave the room, closing the door slowly.

  The screen flicker as she leaves the room. It turns black and all I can see is some smoke appearing at the bottom of the screen. It rises slowly, and it is white in colour. The smoke swirls around and it starts to turn into a light purple colour. Suddenly, the smoke sways strongly to the left, but then, the smoke seems to be pushing against some force as it tries hard to go back to the right side. Soon, the smoke swirls upwards and towards the right side slowly. And then, the smoke stops moving and it disappears. I watch as the black screen turns white again and this time, I see a cat-like creature with wings. It flaps its wing and flies towards the skies. Suddenly, the smoke appears again, but this time, it black in colour. I hear the creature growl angrily as the smoke pushes it away. It yowls as it turn around before turning back and fighting the smoke. It then flies into the smoke. And the creature turns black, only it's white wings could been seen. The white wings have a light shade of purple at the tips. It growls loudly again and flaps it's wings hard. The black smoke goes away from the creature and the creature gives a successful roar. It then lands on the ground and I see it walking towards me. Suddenly, the whole thing seems real. I know I'm in a room, standing directly in front of a screen, but it just seems so real. The creature then stands in front of me and nods solemnly. It looks like an animal from the cat family. It then smiles before making a soft sound and then it flies up to the sky quickly. The screen turns black again and it writes there:

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