Chapter 9

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Jungkook let out a soft sigh, popping his umbrella open as he stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of his house. The rain had just started to pick up and of course he had to walk to the party. 

"Stupid Yoongi and his stupid fucking parties." He muttered, kicking at a rock as he walked. "Stupid Taehyung making me come to the fucking party..." Okay, so Jungkook wasn't much of a party person. But, he did look pretty hot if he did say so himself. Jungkook actually let Jimin pick out his clothes for the night, knowing he wouldn't be able to pick anything aside from his usual soft attire. 

Currently he was in a blue oversized (see through) sweater, black leather shorts, see through black thigh socks and a pair of baby blue shoes. Of course Jimin would choose see through clothes. Of course. 


After another 20 minutes Jungkook made it to the house, the sound of way too loud music already assaulting his ears. Fucking Yoongi. The boy sighed and shut his umbrella before walking in, tossing it in the corner as he looked around. Was the entire fucking school there or something? He knew Yoongi's parties were big but jesus! It's a good thing that the boy has such a large house.

The boy slowly made his way further into the house, plopping down onto the couch as he pulled his phone out to text Jimin. Suddenly a cup was shoved into his face and he jumped, glancing up at the owner. 

"You looked like you were thirsty." Oh, it was Taehyung! Jungkook smiled and took the cup, giving it a slight sniff before taking a sip. 

"What is this?" He asked a bit loudly, making sure that Taehyung could hear him over the music. The older boy smiled and sat down, looking at Jungkook.

"Wine cooler. It's the only thing here that isn't 100% alcohol and I didn't think you would be the type to drink." 

"Well you're not wrong." Jungkook laughed, taking another sip. "This is really good. Fruity." 

Taehyung just nodded, smiling softly as Jungkook slowly leaned into his side. God, he really wished that he could tell him that he was V. But he couldn't. Not just yet. Soon though, hopefully. The boy let out a soft sigh and nudged Jungkook's side, leaning a bit closer to speak in his ear. 

"Wanna go outside?"


"I bet 20,000 won that you're too chicken to get in the hot tub in just your underwear."

"Are you drunk Tae?"

"Maybe a little."

"Aish, what am I going to do with you?"

"Get in the hot tub in just your underwear?"

"I could use the money."


"I am not sitting in your lap."

"I'm not going to do anything! Unless you want me to I mean."


Jungkook giggled, moving into the older males lap despite saying that he wasn't going to, genuinely just wanting the cuddles. Not going to lie, he was actually having a pretty fun time despite not actually being in the party like everyone else was. This did give him a chance to really get to know Taehyung though. It was good.

The boy smiled and shifted around, laying his head on Taehyung's shoulder as they chatted softly. It wasn't long though before Jungkook fell asleep, soft snores escaping his parted lips. Oops. 


He woke up later that night in a daze, not quite sure of where he was. As the boy shifted around though, he realized that he couldn't move. What the fuck? As soon as he saw the arm around his waist he relaxed, memories of earlier flooding in. He fell asleep on Taehyung's lap and the boy carried him inside. Taehyung literally woke Jungkook up long enough to get changed into some dry clothes and then they both laid down. That was it. Thank god. 

Jungkook grabbed his phone off of the nightstand, silently thanking Taehyung for turning the brightness down as he opened the messaging app. He quickly opened his and V's chat, typing out a message. 

TheRealJK: Hey, V! Sorry, I kind of fell asleep in someone's lap. In my underwear. Sounds bad, huh?

Almost immediately after Jungkook sent the message Taehyung's phone started going off. Jungkook, being the angel he was, grabbed the phone and turned the volume down so Taehyung wouldn't be woken up, but...not without seeing: "TheRealJK - Hey, V! Sor-" flash across the screen. It didn't actually register until Jungkook was cuddled up to the older boy but when it did he gasped, glancing up at the boy's peaceful face. 


My Innocent Boy || J.J.K + K.T.H (vkook)Where stories live. Discover now