Chapter 10

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Jungkook woke up early the next morning to the feeling of the bed shifting around. He whined softly, weakly grabbing Taehyung's arm as he felt it slip from its position around his waist.


He groaned, snuggling back into the older boy, trying to make sure that he didn't leave.

"Stop moving, don't wanna wake up."

This all sounded fine to Jungkook but Taehyung nearly had a fucking heart attack once the boy was finished talking.

"K-Kookie, how did you-"

Jungkook quickly cut him off, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"You're too loud! I m-messaged V- you- last night to say that I had fallen asleep and right after that your phone went off and I saw my user name on the screen. 'm not mad you know. But I am tired still so shut the fuck up and cuddle me."

"Damn you're demanding."

Taehyung laughed quietly, pulling the boy closer to him like he wanted. Of course Taehyung was freaking the fuck out now that Kook knew that he was V but he'd try not to let it show. It was just- god, the things they've done over the phone and in text was just- and now Jungkook knew that it was him? Of course he would be fucking nervous. Oh and when Jimin and Hoseok find out- he may as well be dead.

The boy jumped slightly as Jungkook twisted around in his arms, hiding his face in his chest. God, he was so cute. It was genuinely hard to believe that that boy was 17.

After awhile Taehyung let out a soft sigh, kissing the top of Jungkook's head before closing his eyes, trying to get in a little bit more sleep. His worrying would have to wait because right now he had a cute boy sleeping in his arms expecting to be thoroughly cuddled. They'd talk about "V" later.


Fun fact: Taehyung was still freaking the fuck out. Jungkook said he wasn't made but can you blame him for being nervous? He's been flirting with the male for months and now he knew that he liked him. Honestly, Taehyung was expecting to get an ear full now that Jungkook was fully awake. What he wasn't expecting was for the boy to climb into his lap and start crying.

"Wha- Kookie? Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Taehyung asked frantically, wrapping his arms around the crying boy tightly. Okay, what the fuck? Jungkook just started sobbing, burying his face in the crook of Taehyung's neck once again.

"I-I just th-thought that V wa-as fake and that I was j-just being used by someone a-and now I know it's you a-and I'm just really happy?"

He finally said between sobs, glancing up at Taehyung. The older boy just cooed, moving his hands to rub up and down his baby's thighs soothingly before speaking up.

"Oh baby, I'm just glad I don't have to hide it from you now. I didn't know what you would've thought. Please don't cry though, your pretty eyes are going all red."

Jungkook just giggled, wiping at his eyes before leaning up to peck Taehyung's cheek shyly. Ah, cutie. Taehyung smiled softly, letting his hands slip under the sweater Jungkook was wearing to caress his sides.



"You're so pretty."

"I- Th-Thank you, hyung."

"Daddy's pretty boy.."

"Y-You're making me blush."

The younger boy giggled, hiding his face once more in embarrassment. Taehyung kissed his shoulder, humming softly. This boy was going to be the death of him.


Hey guys! Sorry if the chapter was kind of trashy? I literally fell asleep multiple times while typing it and I kind of lost my train of thought. The next chapter might be smut? But I'm not sure? I dunno, I legit NEVER plan out what I'm writing. Fuck.

My Innocent Boy || J.J.K + K.T.H (vkook)Where stories live. Discover now