Chapter 6

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"So my baby boy is hard?"

"Y-Yes, Daddy.."

"Do you want daddy to help you? We don't have to do this if you don't want to baby.."

"I-I want to. Please. Help me."

"Okay baby. Are you laying on your bed?" 


"Good. What are you wearing baby?"

"A s-sweater and my socks."

"No pants or a skirt?"


"Oh fuck that's hot- O-Okay...Now sweetheart, I want you to do everything I say to as long as you feel comfortable, okay?"

"O-Okay, daddy."  

"You're such a good boy..Okay, I want you to slip a hand under your sweater and just stroke your chest and sides for a moment, get used to the feeling."


Jungkook let out a soft sigh, doing like V told him to. It kind of tickled a bit but it was almost relaxing as well. The boy shuffled around a bit, putting his phone on speaker before laying it beside him on the bed. 

"N-Now what?" He asked softly. 

"I want you to just kind of...brush over your nipple for a second, okay? Tell me how it feels. Pretend it's me doing it, if you want to." 

"Ok- Ah!" 

Jungkook gasped, a small jolt of pleasure shooting through his body from the touch. He did it again as V told him to, feeling his eyes flutter shut. Apparently he was pretty sensitive. V let him continue to kind of play with his nipples a bit before speaking up again, sounding a bit further away now as he put his own phone on speaker and set it down. 

"Ah, good. Now stop."


"Shh. No buts. Listen to me baby." 

"Y-Yes daddy."

"Take your hand out of your sweater and run it along the inside of your thighs instead. Be a good boy for daddy." 

Jungkook nodded to himself, his breath hitching slightly at the new feeling. He was pretending that it was V touching him instead of himself, knowing it would make him feel more comfortable. Sure, he didn't know what V looked like (at least he thought he didn't) but he had an idea. 

"Ugh, you're such a good boy, Kookie." The older male groaned, unbuttoning his pants and sliding them off of his legs before laying back on his bed. 

"Y-You really think so, Daddy?"

"I know so baby...Alright, now baby, I want you to palm yourself."


"Take your hand and just- ugh, one moment."

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Jungkook let out a low moan, slowly starting to palm himself like V was doing in the video.


He moaned softly, letting his head fall back against his pillows.

"Oh fuck, baby. You're so good for daddy, you sound so pretty when you moan."

Taehyung gasped out, grabbing his phone again.

"B-Baby, I'm going to send you another video and I want you to do what I do, okay?"

"O-Okay daddy- ah fuck."

Taehyung nodded and started the video, tugging the band of his boxers down to release his cock. He slowly wrapped his hand around it, giving it a gentle tug upwards, moaning again. After a moment he started to pump himself, setting a nice pace for Jungkook to follow since it would be his first time touching himself like that and he didn't want to overwhelm the boy.

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Jungkook opened the video, letting out a gasp at the sight. V was so...big. The boy whimpered and followed what V was doing in the video, dropping his phone on his chest as he started to stroke himself.

"Oh- oh god. Daddy, fuck-"

Jungkook cried out, already starting to feel a slight burn in the pit of his stomach.

"Baby, you're doing so well. Can Daddy see you baby?"


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"H-Holy shit baby, you're little cock is so pretty. Oh that's so hot.."

Taehyung groaned loudly, starting his last video as he felt himself getting close. He worked his fist over his cock a bit faster, finally coming over his stomach, Jungkook's name leaving his parted lips. He sent the video, his eyes going wide as he received one in return not even a minute later.

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"Mm, d-daddy!"

Jungkook moaned, pumping himself a bit faster as his stomach started to feel tighter. He knew what was happening so he just let the pleasure take over, loud, high pitched moans escaping his parted lips. It wasn't long before the tension in his stomach snapped like a rubber band and he came into his hand, moaning loudly for V. Oh, how he wished he knew his name.

After the video sent Jungkook sighed, wiping the cum off of his hand with a tissue before throwing it away and pulling his panties up, covering himself up with the fluffy blanket on his bed.

"I'm tired now."

He giggled quietly, plugging his phone in. V laughed from the other side, doing the same as well.

"Go to sleep baby. Message me when you wake up, okay?"


"Bye baby."

"Bye daddy."

Call ended
Time: 1 hr

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