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“Meredith? What is the matter?” Isabelle folds an arm across her chest, while the right is rubbing the side of her forehead.

Meredith presses her lips into a straight line and motions for Elizabeth to place the tea tray on the parlour room table.
Elizabeth gives her Mistress a brisk nod, before leaving the two alone.

Isabelle sighs, while Meredith starts,
“I saw Mr Ingram departing from here.” The latter’s eyes wander to the clouds guising the skies outside.

Meredith takes a few steps forward-- hands behind her back-- and closes the distance between her and Isabelle.

Isabelle shakes her head and drops her right hand to join the other.

“You are not mistaken.” Isabelle straightens herself further.

Meredith notices.
“At this time and without your brother? I’m quite certain if any of those guests saw that… They may not be so open-minded as I.”

Isabelle perks a brow. “And I am quite certain that you are not here for my reputation’s well-being.”

“You ordered for the carriage for departure to be made.”  Meredith comes to the main focal point.

“Yes, I did.” Isabelle keeps her gaze with-- not wavering.
“Was your rather enjoyable stay at our dwelling not long enough?”

“You are hiding your true reasoning.” Meredith clips a brow.

Isabelle flashes a smile-- making Meredith scowl.
“You have obviously understood my insinuation. I saw everything. After the funeral.” The former spares a glance at the table holding the tea and books.

“I don’t understand how you kept such a secret for so long, but,” Isabelle’s eyes point to the keys fastened around her waist, “for everyone’s sake, you must go.”

Meredith scoffs.
“You understand not my stance. What I am doing is for your brother’s wellbeing.”

Isabelle’s brows furrow, as she puts a hand on Meredith’s shoulder.
“Isn’t one’s consent not necessary for their wellbeing?” Meredith wrenches her shoulder away.

“Meredith, let me help you--” Isabelle offers.

“All pleasantries and formalities aside, why would you help me? We never bonded with one another. ” Isabelle’s blinks at Meredith’s sudden change of topic.

“Even if we are not on the best of terms, then that certainly does not mean that I should idly while you suffer…”

Meredith’s chest rumbles like the thin-silver strike within greyed clouds.

Isabelle takes a step forward.

Meredith shakes her head quickly.
“Why must you be like my sister?”

Actual clouds storm from outside as Meredith mutters something.
Whatever she says, it makes Isabelle’s tilted head droop-- her figure loosening.
“What are you…”

Isabelle’s head literally starts pivoting like a hurricane in slow motion . She clutches the arm rest of the sofa before her upper body collapses onto it. Her motionless legs still hang extensions from the sofa.

Meredith looks about herself-- her face hard as ice-- before she bends down and slips an empty vial into Isabelle’s hands. A slight tremor appear in her hands. Only for a second. Before she puts her right hand under Isabelle's head and uses the right one to grasp the teacup. Its gold mouth meets Isabelle's lips.

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