An Unknown Audience

Start from the beginning

Finally, Rowan took a deep breath and looked at her cousin, "I am sorry for how I had acted towards you. I shouldn't have done such a thing and I hope you can forgive me. It all makes sense now that I think of it but who could blame you? In the end I just want you to be happy and Horan seems to make you so." She could no longer be upset with her cousin and personally she was glad that they would be able to talk again.

Darsa smiled widely and wrapped her slender arms around Rowan, accepting the apology. Rowan did the same and together they shared an intimate moment. Rowan noticed it hadn't made her feel the way Bjorn did when we would embrace her, instead whatever that feeling was was now replaced with a sisterly-bond that flowed between one another.

The two girls pulled back and once they looked at one another they couldn't help but to giggle at Darsa's confession.

"Well I see you are still alive and well so I suppose it didn't kill you, huh?" Rowan teased, lightening the mood. Darsa laughed and lightly punched her cousins arm. "Rowan, believe me when I say that it is one of the most intimate and satisfying things you could ever experience. I'm pretty sure I love him, but this love is a different kind of love. You will understand when you and Bjorn's time comes. I am assuming you two haven't copulated, correct?"

She knew Rowan's answer almost immediately by the look in her face. In a way she was jealous of her cousin for being so innocent, but then again she couldn't wait for her to join the ranks of herself and the other women and could now understand the quiet jokes the woman would make during their chores.

Rowan shook her head, "No. but we did kiss today though." Just then she relayed what happened I her cousin and Darsa couldn't help but to burst out in laughter at the awkward situation after they had pulled away.

"No worries cousin, I am sure that tonight might be a little different," Darsa said with a wink. Rowan blushed but smiled and together the two headed to the dinner tables to join the others.

Bjorn immediately noticed how happy and relieved Rowan looked when she sat down. He was pleased that the two had made amends because he hated seeing her unhappy the past few days.

"I grabbed you a plate," he said as she took her seat next to him.

"Thank you," Rowan said smiling. The feeling to kiss him to show her gratitude washed over her but she was not yet comfortable to do so in front of people.

Together, their table shared the most splendid dinner that consisted of roasted pheasant, boiled potatoes, and stew. They talked and laughed and teased one another, filling each other with joy and content.

After they ate, men gathered some dry wood from a pile they kept in a spare tent for rainy days like such. The heat was so invited that nearly the entire camp encircled it save for a few who were quick to reach the private confines of their beds.

Music and ale soon surfaced and Rowan had the urge to dance. Her heart hadn't been filled with such joy in a long. She looked over to Darsa who was perched on Horan's lap, "Shall we dance cousin?" Darsa grinned and nodded frantically, "Aye!"

She all but snatched Rowan from her seat next to Bjorn and together the two spun around laughing. The other Daughters seen their future queen dancing and wished to join her, so Anadora and Pruella took over the music along with a few other women and played a song that was only familiar to the women, who ushered their men to sit down as they joined their Sisters hand in hand and began one of their many dances from the Glade.

The Rorikmen hollered and hooted at the woman, who danced in such a way that stirred their insides. Even Bjorn couldn't help but to hold himself back as he watched Rowan's hips sway back to forth. Her arms waved in the air as she twirled in a large circle with the others around the fire. She laughed and giggled at herself and Bjorn loved seeing her so carefree. On and on the women danced, unknowingly provoking their men.

Once the song ended, many of the Rorik all but rushed the women to bed, leaving the remaining Glades women slightly confused and out of breath.

Rowan took her seat as softer music played, and chuckled to herself, still delighted with how the night had turned out.

"Forgive me but I am slightly out of breath," she panted, causing Bjorn to smile, "You and me both," he replied, referring to how her dancing and carefree spirit had nearly taken his breath away but in a different sense.

Rowan picked up what he meant by the way his eyes looked at her and she almost wanted to take him back to their tent. She blushed and looked down, not sure what to say or do.

"I don't know if I've ever told you this but you are very beautiful," Bjorn said, not being able to control his tongue. He could see her already red face deepen in the low light from the flames.

Rowan could feel her heart melt at his sweet words and at first she didn't know what to say until she decided to make light of it in hopes to avoid her another awkward situation, "Thank you Bjorn, but are you sure you didn't have any spirits tonight? I think I saw Horan pour something in your drink when you weren't looking," she teased.

Bjorn threw his head back in laughter, "Yes I am sure I didn't have anything to drink. I just thought you should know," he replied and shrugged lightly.

Together the watched the others slowly trickle back to their tents and watch the flickering flames of the fire in a comfortable silence with Bjorn's lightly snakes around Rowan's torso. She leaned into it, enjoying the feeling.

But from afar in the tree line sat a group of eyes who watched them, waiting for the right moment.

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