The Date//Newt//Part 1

Start from the beginning

You cross your arms over your chest, "Talking to who?"

You swear you see Minho gulp, "Newton."

"Oh heck no." You shake your head furiously at Minho as he pleads you to do this one tiny favour for him, "No way in hell! Do you remember the last time I had to approach him? He totally blew me off with an annoyed wave of his hand as if I wasn't worthy to be in his presence! He's a total ass. There is no way-

"Please, Y/N! He might listen to you this time... besides... I couldn't just ask a Greenie to go talk to him, he'll tear their head off."

But you stop short. He's right. There is no way a Greenie could ever persuade him to play at your fundraiser. You close your eyes for a short moment, wishing away all your problems with this guy. Finally, you breathe again, "Alright. I'll do it... But let me ask you one thing. Why him?"

Minho smiles nervously, "He leads the most popular band in school, there are so many girls after him and so many guys jealous of him. We need the money, as much as we can grab. I'm just thinking of the team here."

"If he's in the most popular band, what makes you think I can get him to play for us?" Your voice has become whiny, stressed. What are you supposed to do? Just ask him? "I don't have nearly enough money for his band anyway!"

"Just please try. For me. For your team!"

You roll your eyes and stomp your foot, "Fine."

There he is. The Golden Boy. Stupid blond hair and stupid brown eyes, weird fingerless gloves, pale fingers strumming over his guitar strings. Ugh. You shake your head and try to muster up the courage you need, but you glance at all the girls practically falling at his feet and you chicken out. There's no way. How stupid would you look if he said no? No, when he says no.

You turn to go but a voice calls out to you, it's Newton's. "Hey, you, what do you want?"

You turn around slowly like you've been caught stealing, "I..." You swallow hard, "I wanted to um..."

He raises an eyebrow, "Yes?"

You walk closer to him, his brown-eyed stare giving you chills, "I wanted to ask you about your band... about your availability?"

Newton stands up from his bench and shoos the girls away with a flick of his hand... like he did to you last year. He steps off the bench and places his guitar back into his case, and then he walks over to you with his hands tightly stuffed into his coat's pockets. "Availability? I'm always available for you, sweet-

You immediately raise your hands in protest, "No, no... no. I meant about your band. Like... gig wise?"

He tilts his head like he doesn't understand.

You sigh, "Look, the track team, my track team-

"You're on the track team?" He shakes his head, "That's a shame. Mustard probably isn't your colour."

You laugh sarcastically, "Yeah, well, I don't think it's anyone's colour. Which is why I-

A ringing sound blares out of nowhere, and you watch as Newton takes out his phone. He holds a finger up to you for a moment as he clicks 'answer'. "Hello?"

You stand there silently, although you glare at him as he chats away on his phone. By the sound of it, it's most likely a girl.

"Yeah?" He says, a smile tugging at his lips, "What have you got on right now?"

Okay. That's it. You turn around and start heading the other way, trying real hard to not throw up in public when a hand clasps around your wrist. You're pulled back to face him, his brown eyes slightly amused. "Hold up, Kate," he takes the phone away from his ear, "Where are you going? I thought you wanted to ask me something?"

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