Minho pounds his fists together, "Ready to get slammed?" The cockiness in his voice only brings out a hot anger.

"Ha. You wish." You step into the circle and ready yourself, you must say you're better at defence but the excitement of winning gets to you immediately so you take no hesitation to pounce at him.

But apparently Minho has already assumed your first move and easily bypasses your tackle by pushing you into the ground with his hand on your back. But he doesn't proceed to push you out of the circle, which he easily could have, "C'mon, Y/N, get up, I'll give you another chance."

You roll your eyes, "You're going to regret that."

He only smirks.

You lunge at him again and again, but every time he seems to overcome your moves. You start to sweat heavily, breathe heavily. Your attacks become slower and slower, and it's as though Minho isn't even trying.

But out of the blue you manage to grab a hold of him, quite firmly too, and you watch as his eyes widen in shock as his body falls close to the outlined circle. You smile and feel a bit more confident again. Soon you're shoving him, dodging his hands, all of your moves becoming a success.

But just as you feel his body almost slip over the circle, he lunges back in with a lot of force; causing you to stumble. You try to get him under your grip again but then he grabs both of your wrists and pulls you into him. He continues to walk however, but the close proximity between the both of you keeps you distracted. His hands on your skin, his breath on your forehead, his scent of sweat and wood. You're never this close to Minho, never this close to any guy really.  And all of a sudden you're stopped. You look around and realise Minho's pushed you out of the circle, and at that moment the humiliation sets in. Your cheeks go red and the hot anger from before practically explodes within you.

"That is so-


"Don't you dare interrupt-

"Sorry, Y/N, but the deal was that if I won you have to shut up for a whole week. Starting right now."


"Uh-uh-uh, a deal is a deal Y/N. You can't say one thing until..." He glances down at his watch, "Until 7am on Tuesday next week."

You go to open your mouth again but you soon close it, giving up in defeat. You can't believe how stupidly you lost, and these were starting to look better for you in that ring. Just because some gosh darn attractive boy touched you like that, kept you close like that, muddled your brain up and caused you to lose focus! You glare up at him, poke him hard in the chest and then strut away to keep some of your pride... maybe.

All the rest of the day consists of banter that you can't participate in. Gally calls you a butthead a few times as you loosely swing your fist at him, and there's nothing you can say back to him! And he knows it, otherwise he wouldn't be calling you a butthead. And you'd just love to beat him up, which you usually can, but you can't stop thinking about Minho and the way... he was with you in this very ring. It won't leave your mind which only annoys you further.

And then Newt decides to poke your side, you instantly glare at him but he only chuckles at your grumpiness. "Aw, is little Y/N annoyed?" He tries to poke you again but you whack his finger away, and then end up shoving him slightly too. He only laughs harder at your reaction to his playfulness.

When Minho gets back though you decide to give it to him straight. You can't talk of course, but you can annoy him. You do secret things like taking away bits of his food when he's not looking, poking him when his head is turned and even pouring water onto his head.

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