Chapter 25:

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Light was streaming into my bedroom, as I opens my eyes. I groan as I feel a throbbing pain in my left leg. I grunt as I climb out the bed, limping as I walk over to the bathroom. I climb into the shower to try and ease my pain, my leg throbbing as the hot water hit it.

When I was satisfied, I climbed out, and almost fell when the pain in my leg increased. I threw on some leggings, and a tee shirt, along with my black nikes. I limped down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What's wrong honey?" My Mom asks, noticing my lip and grimace every time my foot hit the ground.

"My leg is killing me Ma." I say rubbing it, "Did something happen in the accident?"

She nods sadly. "You broke it Annabelle."

"I broke it? How?" I wonder, looking down at my leg.

"It was caught underneath the car. The boot helped to stop it from becoming very serious, but it was still heavily fractured. The physio was in your room almost everyday after the cast came off. She worked and worked and worked on that leg of yours. At one stage, you went into a seizure of shock Annabelle as she worked on it. Annie, I hated seeing my baby so helpless. So fragile. I hated every minute of itp." She rubs my shoulder affectionately.

"Can I see it? The car. A photo. Anything?" I plead. My mom sighs, and nods.

"Come dear. I'll call your father." She leads me to the garage and into a white Mercedes. My father climbs into the driver's seat and starts the car, driving out the mansion.

"Why do you want to see it Belle?" My father asks, using my childhood nickname.

"I need to Dad. I want to see why I was injured so badly, I need to do this to move on with my life. I need to know exactly what happened to me in that crash." I confess. My mom stares at me intently.

"I understand my love. I do." My father replies, looking at me in the review mirror.

We arrive at the office.

"Is the car here?" I ask surprised, we are at the race track where I have trained for the past few months. My parents nod.

They stop and stay in the car. I walk inside and follow the directions my father gave me. As I reach the door, I sigh, I take a deep breath and open it.

The sight of what lay before me almost knocked me off my feet. The car was in pieces, dents lay in the body, a tire was missing, scratches lay everywhere. I walked up to the car, tracking my finger down a huge dent. This, this broke my leg. This left me in a coma for almost two months. Somehow, I wanted it back, a small part of me wanted to be in the race again, feel the adrenaline race through my veins again. Yet, another part of me wanted to run, to flee and never come back.

I was having an internal conflict with myself, but I won't ever get into another car like this again, I refuse, I can't do that to Jason or to my parents, or to my brother.

I wonder if the world knows that it was really me in that car that day. I wonder what they would say if they did. Would they take my side? Would they reprimand me? I shake it off. The door opens behind me.

My father walks in, he looks at me with sad eyes. He doesn't say a thing, but he walks up to me, and places his hand on my shoulder. I close my eyes, and leans into him. He rubs my shoulder tenderly. I look up at him. Silence follows, but the look in his eyes says a thousand words. I'm sorry.

"I love you Dad." I say simply, breaking the silence. He smiles tenderly down at me.

"I love you my Anniebelles. I'm so sorry. I am so sorry for everything I've put you through, for not being there. I love my Annie." I look up my father. He has tears in my eyes.

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