Chapter 23:

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"Don't leave me Dylan! Please!" I scream at my brother. He's leaving. He's actually leaving. I'm stuck in a prison and Dylan is leaving. He's leaving me alone. He disappears from view.

My parent's faces appear.

"How could you do this to us Annabelle? We trusted you. You were never the daughter we wanted. We don't want to see you again. Ever." They say in unison.

"No!Please." I scream at them. They're leaving me too.

Josh now appears.

"Look at you. So helpless. I have to say now Annabelle, you have really done it this time. This is only one person to blame for this. Yourself!" His evil laugh echoes throughout the room.

"No!" I scream. Tears are streaming down my face. He disappears too with his evil laugh still echoing, haunting me.

Finally, Jason appears behind the bars.

"How could I ever love someone like you? How could I be so stupid? No one will ever love you Annabelle! Never!" He shouts. No! Not him too!

"Jason! Wait! What did I do?" I whisper, my voice cracking up. He leaves. I'm left alone. I'm helpless. I have no one left. I'm all alone. The darkness overcomes me once more, but it doesn't worry me anymore. I welcome it.

Pain. It's a word that so many people fear. It can be physical or emotional, and sometimes, it's so bad that you can't think. It's an overpowering feeling that you can never seem to get rid of. Some people believe that going through pain changes you as a person, for better or for worse. I think it does, but at this moment in time, I'm in serious pain, and thinking about changing is the last thing on my mind.

I don't know what type of pain I'm going through, because I can't think straight. It's overpowering. That scares me to death. All I know is that I can't see a thing. It's dark. I can only feel pain, nothing else.

My terrible reality hits me like a train zooming at 10 000 km/h. It's smacks me head on. I can't cry, I can hardly breathe. I'm drowning. I'm all alone. No one cares. I can't do anything, I can't see anything. I can't feel anything. It's black. I only heart my heartbeat. I let the darkness consume me once more, hoping to leave this harsh reality behind, never to be seen again.

I  think I'm dead. I don't know how long it's been since I've seen any light. Maybe I'm in hell. It certainly feels like it. Pain is all I feel all the time. I can't think. Can't eat. Can't drink. My mouth is like a desert. I need water.

The tears fall slowly. At least, I think they do. I can't feel any wetness. Please. I need something, anything. My mouth is dry.

This time, I see cars. They race around me. I hear the high pitches engines roaring. The sound, it's overpowering. I scream at the drivers.

"Help! Help me please!" But they keep racing. Keep wizzing past me. I scream, I shout more and scream louder at them. Why can't they hear me? Why aren't they listening?

"Please!" I scream, falling to my knees, "Help me." I whisper, feeling the tar with my fingers, and I punch the dirt. The darkness consumes me once more.

I can't see anything. All I hear is a steady beep beep of a machine I can't recognize. I open my eyes. I'm in a room I don't recognize, I'm in a bed. A drip is in my arm. I look around me. Bouquets of flowers lie all over every available space. My eyes land on Jason. His hair is messy, he is asleep, he has red rings around his eyes. He is sitting in a chair, he stirs. His blue eyes bore into my own.

A sob escapes his throat.

"You're-You're awake baby!" He shouts and rave over to my bed. He pulls me in for a kiss. It's soft. Sweet, yet at the same time, it's desperate, like he's making sure that I'm real. He pulls away.

"Was-" I squeak, and start coughing. The pain. It hurts.

"Was-was I-I asleep?" I squeak again.

"You were in a coma Annabelle." He says simply. It all comes back to me. The accident. The tar, the race, the pain.

"For-" I try to start again, but it lands in a coughing fit.

"For almost two months." He finished with sad eyes, tears start forming in his eyes. I place my hands on his face and wipe them away.

"I'm-I'm so sorry Jason. So Sorry." I whisper, and butt my face into his shirt. It doesn't hurt to whisper. He pulls me into an embrace and sobs, coming my hair.

"I sat here every day, waiting for you to wake up, and here you are." He says between sobs, "Man, I've missed you Annie."

"Do my parents know?" I whisper softly.

"Yes. They deserved to know Annabelle. Dylan got into huge trouble, all his privileges were taken away, including almost all his cars, he now has to drive an Audi." He says.

"It- it wasn't his fault." I protest. Jason shakes his head.

"It's too late now." He says.

It was at that moment when my parents and my brother walk inside the room. "I'll be right back." Jason says, squeezing my hand, and he exits the small room.

"I- I don't want to fight." I whisper. My mother laughs, with tears in her eyes.

She rushes over to the bed, and pulls me in for a hug, her hand holding my head, she starts crying.

"Annabelle, you're back. I have you back." She states, combing my hair. "I've missed you Sweetheart."

I'm taken aback. Who replaced my parents? I want to thank them!!

"I can't believe that you're finally awake my baby." My Mom says. Yup, someone definitely replaced them.

"I thought that you would be angry." I state. My voice coming above a whisper.

"We are honey. We are." My Dad states, "I don't understand why you did it in the first place honey."

"I-I" I swallow. "I thought that I could prove my worth to you by doing it. I wanted to be the daughter you've always wanted." I admit. My parents look horrified.

"Prove yourself?" My father yells, "I'm so sorry Annabelle. I'm so sorry that you were given such an impression. Honey, when you see all the children of your mother's and my friends, they are too stuck up, can't look at anyone below them, Annabelle, I could not ask for anymore more worthy to be our daughter, in fact, we don't deserve you. You are so special, so beautiful, so unique and different. Annabelle, I fired you from your job, so that you could see what you were missing. You don't belong in an office, behind a desk. I just didn't expect you to do, well, this." He says, and he tears up. I have never seen my dad cry. A sob escapes my throat.

"Annie, we love you. You may not have the best fashion sense, or be girly, by Annabelle, I couldn't have asked for a better daughter. We couldn't be more different, but I love you. I always have. Annabelle, you are beautiful." My mother says too, her mascara is streaming down her face.

This, this is what I was missing. The feeling of emptiness in my heart, it's gone. My family, this is what I needed, and something inside me knew that.

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