Chapter 11:

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I looked in the review mirror as I was driving to the racing track. The truck carting the car was behind me and I was getting nervous. I was driving in my Audi and my brother and I were driving to Jason's race track.

I am pretty nervous, I am going to drive on a new race track, and I have to disguise myself as Ruben. Its really scary.

When we arrived at the parking, I jumped out my car, locked it, and ran into the truck.

Inside it, I quickly changed into my uniform and as soon as I popped my helmet on, the doors of the back of the truck were opened and a Jason and a Dylan were staring at me.

I waved at both of them. They waved back. I hopped out the truck and didn't take the hand that was offered to me by Dylan. I stood out the way, and a ramp was put on the back of the truck and a bunch of random people dressed in uniform ran up to the car and pulled it down the ramp and led the car to the racing track.

I followed them and I was mentally preparing myself for what was to come. I am stressing out. Seriously.

When I reached the track, my heart skipped a few beats. How am I meant to do this? I looked at the track, it had a lot more twists and turns and I wasn't and I am not ready. I gulped as I looked at my brother who nodded at me.

I walked to the car and I hopped in. I sighed as I started it. I drove it towards the starting line. I watched as the robot changed from red, then to red again, then twice to orange and then finally it reached green. I pushed the accelerator and I was off.

Suddenly, my nerves were calmed and I enjoyed it. I was fine. I had nailed the turns at the other track and I can do the exact same thing here.

I did. I narrowly turned around each corner. The handling on this car is amazing. I turned each corner with ease and I bit my lip in excitement. I wanted to yell. It was so amazing and the adrenaline was pumping satisfying everything. I forgot about my family and the fact that I would be doing this at the grand prix in a few months. No. Didn't even cross my mind. I felt like a bird. I saw the finish line ahead, and I was on my fifth lap I think and someone was waving a flag. Once I had passed the finish line, I stopped the car. I sat in the seat for a few minutes, trying to stop the adrenaline flow in my body. It was amazing.

My brother ran to me.

"Geez Annie! That was the best run yet! You took the corners perfectly. Well done!" he said and patted me on the back as I climbed out the car.

Jason was smiling at me. Yes, he was smiling at me. He hardly ever smiled. My heart warmed a little. I smiled back at him, but the helmet was still on, and he couldn't see me.

"I am going to go fetch something I left in the car, and then I am going to make a detour to the bathroom." my brother said, and he left me alone with Jason. Damn.

When he was gone and out of sight, Jason turned to me.

"You can take off your helmet." he said.

"Ummm.... I like it on." I said and hoped he would leave it there.

"Hmmm... Interesting." he said.

"Why so?" I asked and regretted it.

"Because, you hate your helmet, Ruben."he said.

"Yeah, I know but-" I said but Jason cut me off.

"You aren't Ruben." he said, "so you can stop this act."

My heart sank.

"Now take the freakin helmet off, otherwise I will tell Mr Blake your secret." he said.

"Dylan?" I asked.

"No. Dylan's father." he said smirking. His put me in a very difficult position.

I sighed and bit my lip as I took the helmet off my head.

"You! Again!" he shouted, "how dare you!"

I was about to say something but he cut me off again.

"So what are you then? A coffee girl?" he asked.

"No." I replied back.

"An assistant?" he asked.

"Nope." I said back again.

"So then are you Dylan's girlfriend?" he asked. I burst out laughing. He raised his eyebrow..

"Of course not! I'm the one and only Annabelle. Annabelle Blake. Dylan's little sister." I said and I smiled. His mouth dropped open.

"So you are Dylan's little sister? And you are driving in formula 1?" he asked.

"Yes. I am. If you don't believe me, ask Dylan." I said, "and speaking of Dylan, here he comes now."

Dylan was glaring at me.

"How could you take the helmet off?" he asked as he pulled me aside.

"He knew it wasn't Ruben." I told him.

"How did he figure that out?" he asked

"I don't know." I said puzzled.

"So, Jason, how did you figure out that it wasn't Ruben behind the wheel?" Dylan asked.

"Because, the technique is very different. Annabelle is much more smooth in the turns. She takes it extremely narrowly and she speeds up, instead of slowing down as Ruben used to. She also floors it a lot, while Ruben would go at a usual steady pace. She is actually a little faster than he was. He was a little nervous. But speaking of him, why is she driving in his place?" Jason said.

"Ruben hurt himself. He can't ride but he knew that I would get someone to pose as him for the grand prix. I just didn't think that it would be Annabelle." my brother replied to Jason.

"So why Annabelle then?" Jason asked. My brother looked at me.

"I can show you." I said, "I just need to get dressed and them we can go. My brother nodded and smiled.

"You should get changed too, into something casual." my brother said.

Jason raised his eyebrow but shrugged.

I walked to the truck and grabbed my clothes. I quickly slipped them on and I went to go meet my brother and Jason, who by the way was wearing jeans and a black tee, and looked very cute in.

My brother nodded and we all piled into Jason's Lambo. I smirked as my brother drove the car. It felt great. I was sitting in the back and I was on my phone. Finally we arrived.

"Yo Blaze! What's up?" Skullhank said and we did a handshake.

"Who's the newbie?" he asked.

"This is Jason." my brother said.

"Nice." Skullhank said and did another handshake.

"Lets get this party started." he said.

"Can I drive?" I asked to my brother. He shrugged.

I smirked and climbed into the driver's seat of Jason's lambo.

I drove it to the start and was met by other drivers there. I smirked as I looked in the review mirror and saw Jason looking very worried.

The lady counted down and as soon as I heard the word "Go!" my foot pressed down on the acceraltor and I was off.

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