Chapter 22:

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My eyes looked at the red traffic light. My heart rate quickening as the robot slowly started to change. Red. Red again. Orange. Orange again. Then green all at once. I push down hard down on the accelerator. I zip in between cars. You have to be extremely careful in the start of the race, because each of the cars are so close together. You have to watch their every move, or risk having a crash in the very beginning of the race.

I twist and turn throughout the race track, watching out for those nasty sharp corners. Finally, I see tow cars which I can overtake. I look for the window. It's like the traffic in New York City. This is nothing compared to that mess I have to drive through every morning.

I caught sight of the leaderboard. There are so many cars in front of me. I pushed down harder on the accelerator. Come on Annabelle!

My eyes drifted. Analyzing each opportunity. Suddenly, a car screeches in front of me. A window!! I push the accelerator harder. The high pitch roar of the engine fills my ears. I squeeze between two cars. Their drivers oblivious to my strategy.

Soon, I'm ahead of two cars. Yes!  Behind an odd thirty more. It doesn't matter. I can do this! I look for another window. I'm surprised at the opportunistic one I find, it's an opening between four or five cars, if I take it, I can get ahead a lot of cars. The only dangerous part about it, I have to be very careful to watch  all movements of the car, I could risk a massive crash. I can do this.

I steer the car. My movements looking much like a mistake. I hear the commentators in my headset.

"What on earth was Martinez doing there? Was that a slip up?" The one says. I grin stupidly to myself.

In a wiz of adrenaline, pure stupidity, and sheer luck, I manage to pass not one, not two, not three, nor four, but five cars.

"Look at him go! Martinez surprised us all there ladies and gentlemen! Passing a total of four racers! What a fantastic and well planned move Mr Martinez!" The commentator shouts over the microphone. Hell yeah!

"Annabelle." A voice whispers, cutting off the commentators.

"What?" I hiss.

"Annabelle." It says softly again.

"What do you want?" I mutter.

"It's your destiny." The voice whispers. I roll my eyes.

"I'm driving in the middle of a formula one race for goodness sake, Dylan, what do you want?"

"I want to tell you how proud I am of you." He starts. I sigh.

"Blurt it out." I say getting to the point. I know him all too well.

"Mom and dad are looking for you, and Ruben wants to speak to you." I roll my eyes.

"Well, make up some stupid excuse as to why they can't see me, use you head, you dumbo, and hand Ruben the mic. Flip Dylan. Wake up!" I shout. He laughs. I shake my head. D

"Hey Annie." Ruben's voice comes on the line.

"Hey Ruben, what do you need?" I ask.

"I'm here to guide you. Be your coach." He says.

"Yeah, where were you yesterday then?" I inquire.

"Josh was meant to be here, but that son of a-"

"Hey! Language Ruben!" I interrupt.

"Son of a barbecue let us all down. Anyway Annie, let's do this girl!" He shouts. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Okay coach. What now?" I ask.

"Drive Annabelle. Drive." He says in a funny voice. I push down harder on the accelerator.

"That's it Annie. Go!" He screams.

"Hey! I'm trying to concentrate here. No loud noises!" I scold.

"Sorry." He whispers. I shake my head.

"Look for a window Annabelle." He orders.

"Listen Ruben, I've been doing this for almost seven months. I know the gears. Tell me if you actually see a window." I end.

"Okay miss-know-it-:all. Go ahead then." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah. I'm going Coach." I smile.

"There's one." Ruben says. I nod and follow through. The accelerator down, I push forward. Let's go!

I watch the two cars carefully. You don't want to be squashed between two cars. It's super dangerous and could mean not only losing the race, but loosing your car as well. You can easily loose control.

I zip in between the two and land out on top.

"Nicely done Annabelle!" Ruben shouts through the headset.

"Thanks." I say smiling.

"Keep going." He continues.

I push forward. I'm about 6 or 7 cars from the front. Not bad eh?

Suddenly, I feel a jerky movement. I'm stuck in between two cars. I try to regain control of the steering wheel, but it spins uncontrollably in my grip. My hands start shaking. Get a grip Annabelle. Get it together. My instincts kick in, and I hit the brake. The two cars fly forward, and I'm left behind.

I relax, but I'm hit from behind. My head flys forward in the helmet. Suddenly, I see the blue sky and then the black tar of the road. The high pitches scream of the engine as it roars is giving me a headache. I heard my name sound from somewhere. There it is again. But I'm too distracted by the constant ringing in my ears and the bad ache in my head to care. I can't think straight, but I feel oddly tired, so I close my eyes, and let the darkness overtake my body, for a well needed rest.

Miss Boss (Miss Series Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें