Chapter 8:

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I walked into the hotel lobby with my brother, and in the lobby were lots of cameras, and people.

Suddenly, I recognised the man who was in the centre of it all. My heat dropped when I realised it was the man who had bumbed into me a few weeks ago.

"Run." my brother said.

He took my hand in his and dragged me out the hotel, before any cameras could catch a glimpse of us.

I finally breathed out and looked at my brother who had a crease in his brow.

"We can't stay there anymore. Not when he is around." he said

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Use the back entrance and make a run for it." he said.

I nodded and then we walked through the delivery entrance and we quietly sneaked into the hotel. We sneaked into our room and grabbed all out stuff. I left cash and we went through the same back entrance.

"What now?"I asked

"I don't know." he said.

"Well..." I started, "I feel the need to drive."

He grinned at me and we drove to what has become known as my favourite place.

As we arrived, I got out the car and walked into my office. Yeah, I got an office now at this place. It is kinda makeshift but it serves its purpose. My gear is in the cupboard which I can lock. It has a special shelf for everything. Literally.

Anyway, I grabbed the whole saga and I got changed in my office which was locked. I think. Shrugging I pulled on everything, tightened the boots, tied my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my helmet.

I then walked to where the cars were parked and I got into the one that I have been using. Josh is no where in sight, but I have learnt to handle the car.

I drove the car out to the track and I started to warm up by doing 2 laps. I grinned as I could easily turn instead of having to break each time a bend came up in the road. The car shifted with all my movements and it was the best feeling in the world.

Eventually, I was travelling at a speed of goodness knows what and the wind was whistling past my ears.

I sped up and turned each turn with ease.

I smiled as I looked ahead. Coming to the finish line.

I breaked and the car stopped. I was still breathless, and I took off the seatbelt.

I attempted to climb out, it was a stuggle, but I eventually managed it.

The car was back in its place, and my anger was taken out on the car's wheels.

I took off the helmet and let my hair down. It started flapping against my cheeks.

I walked back into the main hall.

"Get out of my way. You will regret it if you don't!" I heard a raspy voice say. I quickly slipped in nearby room in hopes of not being seen.

I looked around the room and heard the person pass.

I gasped a little, because around me were helmets and f1 gear galore. I grinned as I looked around the place.

This was a small hint of heaven. Boy there were many.

I started walking over to one of the shelves and suddenly, the door opened.

I slipped into a corner.

I crossed my fingers. Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me. Please!

The person grunted and switched on the light. Shoot. I crept deeper into the corner and I dared not to the look at the person.

My heart sank when I could feel the person. Literally. They were standing right in front of me.

"I can see you, you know." he said

I crept from my hiding spot and in front of me stood the most handsome man I have ever seen. I tried not to show it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me. Not seeming to notice the helmet in my hand and my gear.

"Um... I was looking for ah... Something..." I stated trying to make an excuse for my presence.

"Get out!" he shouted

"Um... Is this your room?" I asked him

"No, but-"

I put my hand in front of his face.

"So then, you," I said pointing a finger to his chest, "don't get to tell me what to do."

He looked surprised and I smirked.

He finally seemed to realised what I was wearing when his eyes strayed to widen.

"You drive?" he asked. I nodded and smirked. I balanced my helmet on my index finger. It almost fell, but I caught it with my other hand.

"What?" I asked him as he was staring at me.

"No, its just-" he said and stopped, he smirked and said " I don't need to explain my reasoning to you."

I shrugged and walked to the door. I turned to face him once more. "Whatever."

I flipped my hair for a greater effect.

I smiled as I walked into my office and locked the door and got dressed into my normal clothes.

Men. I shook my head.

At least today was a good day. With out my mom.

I said bye to my brother and grabbed my keys, and drove home. I would have to face mom sometime.

I grimaced as I thought about the long lecture I was about to get into.

Miss Boss (Miss Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now