Chapter 24:

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The doctors let me go home four days later. Jason pushed me to his car in a wheelchair. He has showered me with many many gifts and flowers upon flowers. Currently, I have ten balloons tied to my wrist saying, "Get better soon" on them. I'm finally out of the gross hospital gown, and in one of Jason's hoodies that I stole and black leggings. He carries me bridal style out the wheelchair and puts me in the passenger seat of his Range Rover. He closes the door and walks to the driver's side.

He starts the car and looks over to me. He smiles.

"I'm glad that you're back Annie. I've missed you." He says. I smile.

"Have I changed?" I blurt. Smooth Annabelle, Real smooth.

"What kind of question is that?" He faces me, with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know. Answer it." I order.

"Okay okay woman!" He lifts his hands off the steering wheel, and studies my face.

"Watch the road!" I shout.

"Yes Ma'am!" He says, saluting me. I roll my eyes.

"Now seriously. Answer my question." I say with a straight face. He sighs.


"That's all?" I complain, he chuckles.

"You are not the cocky Annabelle I used to know. I loved that Annabelle too, but this racing thing has changed you. You are determined, and of course extremely feisty, but I have come to love this 'new Annabelle.'" He doesn't look at me at all, "You are so much more beautiful, I don't know how long I've loved you, but I've watched you grow. Look at you. This young, strong determined woman stands before me, and I'm blown away. You are a fighter Annabelle, I could never ask for anyone better than you."

A sob escapes my throat.

"No!" Jason shouts, "Don't cry baby! What did I do?"

"Everything. How did someone like me land up with someone like you?" I whisper. He smiles.

"Baby, I don't deserve you." He says simply. I sob again. Tears stream down my face. His hand rests on my leg. I tuck my hands in his.

"I love you." I whisper.

"Say it again." He orders

"I love you Jason Monatage, with all my heart." I put his hand on my heart. His hand holds my own, and he caresses it slowly. I sigh with contentment.

"Your turn." I say simply.

"I love you Annabelle Blake, with all my heart. You have stolen my heart, but I don't want it back, ever." He states. My heart melts.

His hands squeezes mine, and it stays there the rest of the ride. When we arrive at my home, Jason opens the door and carries me bridal style once more into the house. My parents are at home, and my mother opens the door. Her eyes widen as she sees me in Jason's arms. Jason kisses me, while my mom is watching. I slap his arm.

"Okay, you can put me down baby." I whisper.

"Never." He growls, loud enough for only me to hear. I slap his arm playfully again. He finally sets me down on my feet.

"Well, come on in then." My mother states, still looking wide eyed and lets us inside.

"Dylan wants to speak to you Annabelle. He's been waiting since you've woken up. He's under house arrest for a month." My Father reports, not looking up from the newspaper he is reading. My parents are treating Dylan as if he is a teenager. He still is in his head, but maybe it's working.

I walk over to Jason. "Thanks for everything baby. I will call you later." I smile and give him a small peck. My dad starts coughing and my mom squeals. I roll my eyes.

"Love you." He whispers in my ear.

"Love you more." I argue.

"Love you most." He finishes, and gives me one more kiss. It's longer this time.

I walk up the stairs and stop in front of Dylan's door. I sigh and knock.

"Come in." Comes a grunt. I open the door.

"What on earth?" I ask, looking around his messy room. He has clothes scattered everywhere. A pizza box lays on the floor, literally, it looks like a teenager's room got high and then puked everywhere.

Dylan looks up, he is sitting on his head. He looks terrible. His hair is greasy, he has stubble on his chin, he smells terrible.

"Annabelle!" He squeals. "You're back!" He climbs off his bed to give me a hug.

"No no no!" I shout before he can get me. "Have a shower, clean up, get your act together!" I order, "I'm not touching you until you've showered. You stink."

"Come on Anniebelles. It's just a hug." He complains.

"No way! Off you go!" I shout and point to the bathroom.

"Yes ma'am." He salutes.

He walks into his bathroom, closes the door and switches on the water.

I start packing his dirty clothing into a wash basket, and I throw all his gross food packets inside a rubbish bag, and change his bed covers into new ones, so that they don't carry the stink. The water switches off in the shower, and a clean Dylan walks out, he has black jeans and a grey top on, which suit his figure.

I walk up to him, and throw my arms around his neck. "I've missed you Dyl." I whisper. He rubs my hair.

"I was such an idiot. I put you in danger and it was my fault that you got hurt. I'm so so sorry Annie. I can't believe that we almost lost you. I could hardly live with myself." He admits, and pulls me closer.

"I'm here now okay? I didn't leave. Without you Dylan, I wouldn't have fixed everything with Mom and Dad, Jason and I wouldn't have been this close, and I would never have found myself." I reply, making sure that Dylan knows every good thing that has come out of everything which has happened over the fast six months. Dylan nods and half smiles, but tears are streaming down his face.

"No Dyl. Don't cry." I say and pull him closer, "Don't cry." I whisper softly and comb my fingers through his blonde hair.

"I love you Anniebelles." He says into my hair.

"I love you too big brother." I run my fingers up and down his back.

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