Chapter 18

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Jungkook POV:

Jungkook goes back to Namjoon's house, he sits on the couch and turns on the news. Mostly weather and nonsense that Jungkook doesn't really care about. Sitting at home all day is kinda boring if he's being honest. He got nothing to keep him busy.

The girl that was flirting with Namjoon would be my next victim..

Jungkook feels it, the urge climbing into his brain, making his body go numb. He should kill her. The urge wants him to kill her, but what would Namjoon say? But Jungkook doesn't care he needs to kill her or the urge wont be satisfied.

"If i killed her, they may forget about my mother's case and focus on this one.."

The news anchor saves Jungkook from his thoughts. "The latest victim did not show any signs of restraint and there was a single stab wound to the chest. There was also a gunshot residue on the victims hands. Before stabbing her to make it look the same as other victims."

Jungkook sits back turns the Tv off and looks at the time when he walks to the door meeting namjoon there..

"Hey," Namjoon smiles.

"Hi," Jungkook returns the smile and they begin walking. Jungkook was about to ask Namjoon about his day when he looks up and spots the police officer he was talking to earlier. "Those are the police officers that I talked to.."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asks.

"I never forget someomes face. You are my boyfriend remember!!?" Jungkook asks and as a response Namjoon grabs Jungkook's hand and intertwines their fingers. Jungkook's heartbeat was going faster and his fingertips tingled. He never held anyone's hand before..

People stare at the boys as they walk towards the police officers, the police officers look up to see Jungkook and Namjoon walking towards them.

"Jeon Jungkook," one of the police officers stops them.


"Is this your boyfriend?" The man asks staring at Namjoon up and a down look like Jungkook did the first time they met.

Oh god I wish if he was my boyfriend... I mean uhhh nvm

"Yes, I'm Kim Namjoon," Namjoon offers his hand to shake, which the police officer does. "You stopped us to talk about Jungkook's mom?"

"Oh yes, how well did you know her?"

"Well enough to know she didn't deserve this,"
Namjoon says and Jungkook's hand clenches.

He's just acting....

"None of the victims really do.."

Jungkook draws in a shaky breath. Is Namjoon trying to tell him something indirectly or is he lying for the police?

"What kind of person would do that to people? Who ever did it deserves to be rot in prison for what they did to her and for what they did to Jungkook,"

"Excuse for a minute," Jungkook says and walks off lifting his phone to his ear as if he received a phone call. He leans up against the nearest building with a sigh and him holding his phone to the side of his face saying 'yeah' and nodding to disguise the fake phone call.

"He's been taking it hard haaa?" The police asks.

"He's been in denial but I think talking about it with more people is making him realize it really happened."

"Did Mrs Jeon seem off when you last saw her."

"Well besides the fact she was sad to see Jungkook moving to live with me, she was perfectly fine..."


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