Chapter 6

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NamJoon POV:

Jungkook has been coming to the coffee shop every morning since the day I bumped into him. Not that I'm complaining. There's something about him that makes my heart flutter.

Finally I decided to go and have a small talk with him.

"Hey Jungkook," I smile when he walks up to the counter. "The usual?"

"Yeah," he nods handing me the exact change like he always does.

"Do you Come here every morning?" I ask.

"I have been," he replies.

"If you dont mind me asking but why?"

That sounded like I don't want him to come. I hope he doesn't take it that way. I'm really just curious. The caramel macchiato isn't that great here anyways.

"You are here," he tells me with no emotion lighting up his face. I stare at him, taking time to progress what he just said. "You intrigue me."

Is he flirting? I can't tell with him. His face is so difficult to even tell. Maybe it was simple a statement. He's probably not gay. I'm just overreacting.

"Oh?" I can't help but blush.

"Yes," he says.

"And you stay here until 8:30 for that reason?" I ask as my heart beating faster and faster.

"I would stay longer, but I have a Job as well," he says. He doesn't seem flustered or one bit embarrassed with his conversation.

Is he messing with me or is he really just relaxed and smooth?

"Emm where do you work?"

"The hardware store down the street," he tells me.

"Oh," I nod and then I remember i still have to make his caramel macchiato. I blink and grab a cup making his order. I take a deep breath and write his name as well as my number underneath. "Here's your order," I smile. He seems to purposely brush my hand as he thanks me for the drink.

Was that too risky? What if he doesn't even see it? What if he thinks it's weird? What if he's not gay and he thinks I'm a creep? What if he stops coming to the coffee shop just to avoid me?

I observe him as he takes a sip of his coffee and looks at the number. I get nervous as he looks back up at me. To my surprise when I look back he has his phone out.

Oh my god!!! Is he actually putting in my number???

My question is answered when my phone vibrates. I make sure no customers need me And quickly open the message.

From Jungkook:
You gave me your number?

To Jungkook:

From Jungkook:

To Jungkook:
You intrigue me ;)

I send the text and look up at him and As I see a small smile spread over his face.

So he can show emotion...

He looks at me and I smile. This time he forces his smile onto his face. I can tell it's not genuine but atleast he's trying.
The bell above the door rings.

"Hey, Namjoon." Jin smiles.

"Hi," I say, glancing at Jungkook who is watching us intently. Jin turns and sees him. Jungkook continues to stare directly at us again

Is he mad? Or jealous?
No!! Jungkook isn't your boyfriend so he isn't jealous of Jin talking to You. I need to stop overreacting!!

"Is he still coming??" Jin whispers.

"Yeah," I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

"And he just sits there and stares??"

"He's on his phone sometimes," I say although it's only today I've ever seen him on his phone.

"Well I don't blame him for staring," Jin winks. "Personally I like to stare at you myself."

"Oh shutup," I roll my eyes. "You want coffee?"

"Nah I'm good!" He shrugs, "maybe you now have yourself a stalker."

That would be awkward because now my stalker has my number....

I look back at Jungkook who is talking on his phone. He looks annoyed as he stands up and makes his way to the door. He walks up to the counter and throws the cup in the bin.

"Leaving so soon?" I ask.

"Yes, I got a call from work and they need me." He says.

"Well then, see you tomorrow?" I smile.

"Yeah," jungkook nods and exit the coffee shop.

"You're actually talking to him? Like a normal conversation?"

Well yeah what other kind of conversation would I have with him? Weird? Personal? Or dirty? No.. Not dirty. Jungkook's probably not gay and I'm overthinking as usual..

"He's just a customer so?" I say and Jin shakes his head, chuckling. He looks down down to the bin beside him.

"Namjoon? Is that your number on his cup?"


Serial killer ↬ K.nj & J.jk ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora