Chapter 7

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NamJoon POV:

Jin and I haven't talked in a while. He thinks  I have feelings for Jungkook, which maybe I do. It upset me how he's never around anymore, But seeing Jungkook every morning seems to make me forget. Jungkook orders his caramel macchiato and once again watches me make it. I'm starting to think the coffee isn't why he's here every morning.

"Your friend," Jungkook says and I furrow my eyebrows setting his cup down im front of him. I have been writing his name with a smiley face at the end lately, hopefully he doesn't find it weird.

"What?" I ask. What is Jungkook talking about? My friend? Is he talking about Jin?

"The one who was with you the other day," Jungkook clarifies.

"Oh, Jin"

"Does Jin not like me?" He asks. Did he hear Jin and I fight after he left? Or did he hear Jin talking about him in the coffee shop.

"What makes you say that?"

"My boss hired him," Jungkook says. Did Jin confront him about it at the hardware store? Please tell me Jin wasn't mean to Jungkook because of me. "He glares at me while we work. He only smiles when he's with you"

"Not anymore," I swallow looking down at the counter.

"Did you guys fight?" Jungkook asks and I nod. "well then, he's wrong"

"You don't even know what we're fighting about," I point out.

"I may not know but I'm taking your side on whatever it is," Jungkook says and I smile.

I grab a towel and began wiping down the counter, noticing Jungkook hasn't left yet.

"Would you like to come to my house?" He asks and I drop the towel and stare at him. He's so calm that he just popped that question out of the blue. He's either the smoothest guy I have ever met or I'm the most awkward person in the world and he's just normal. Of course I want to hang out with him and get to know him, but his house? I don't even know him well to show up at his house. He could be a creep and I don't know it.

"How about a movie?" I suggest, A movie sounds like more of a date which probably isn't what he's going for but going to his house the first time we hang out makes me nervous.

"Okay sure!" He says, "My mother can make us dinner to eat while we watch."

He lives with his mom? How sweet. Maybe it'll be okay to go to his house. At least there's a witnesses if things get creepy lol.

"Okay," I agree.

"I will send you my address." He tells me before taking his cup and walking to the booth. He sits down and stares at the coffee. Something flashes over his face, sometimes I can't quite read before he quickly recovers.

"Excuse me?" Some lady taps her foot impatiently. "If you're quite done planning your little date, I would like to order something." 

"Sorry, what can I get you?" I ask, my cheeks burning.

"Green tea," she says.

"Is that all?" I ask politely.

"Yeah, I'm watching my weight obviously that's all," she rolls her eyes and swipes her card. Why do people need to be rude.


"Michelle" I make her drink and write her name.

"Have a great day," I say and she huffs in response. Jungkook walks up to the counter. "Everything is alright?"

"Yes," he says and I nod wiping up the milk I spilled. Noticing that Jungkook hasn't left. I looked back at him and we lock eyes. "Actually no. How are you polite to people like her?"

"I kinda have to," I smile. "It's bad for the business when you're rude to a customer."

"Is that why you are nice to me?" Jungkook looks at me with wide eyes waiting for my answer. Is that what he really thinks? Is He hoping for a no? Or for a yes?

"No," I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm nice to you because you haven't given me a reason not to be."


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