Well that escalated quickly.


"No, sumimasen, Lord Hanzo," you quickly interrupted as you pressed your fingertips against your temples. "I didn't mean it like that. Forget that I even said such a thing; I understand that you have a reputation to protect, and it would be quite weird should anyone find you and me together. I understand if...if you wish to keep us a secret for awhile."

"I'm not embarrassed of you, (Y/N), I never will be," Hanzo pressed on, set with an iron will to clear the air between the two of you. "I never planned on keeping our relationship a secret for the long term. I told my father beforehand that I'd pursue you, and he gave me his consent. I intend for everyone in the palace to know you're with me now."

"Shimada-sama was okay with you...going after me?" you asked, wide eyed, until your thoughts drifted back to what he had said earlier. "Then...why did you sound so worried that someone may find us together?"

"I was thinking about how you would feel if anyone finds out about the two of us too soon. I know that this whole thing is quite unnerving, new territory and all, and I thought maybe you'd want some getting used to before I set the word off and make us official."

"Oh..." was all that you could muster as your face warmed with embarrassment. "I- thank you for thinking about how I'd feel about this. You're right, all this is new to me and I do want to get to know you better." The very act of talking was a chore with the ball of regret pressing down your throat. "I didn't mean to read it the wrong way, nor did I mean to make a big deal out of it. I'm...I'm sorry."

Instead of scowling at your presumptuous behavior, Hanzo held a hand out towards you and you reached out to take it after a brief pause of uncertainty. Skin met skin and his calloused warmth seeped into a cold palm that knew the hardships of labor and responsibility. There was a slight tug from his part that pulled you closer to his sitting person. You complied and rested most of your weight upon your knees as you looked up at him with a slight glint of fear twinkling in your eyes. Then, Hanzo patted at his draped lap and shot your crestfallen face with a lopsided smile.

"Sleep," he beckoned, "I know you're tired."

Though an innocent set of words, caring even, the command frazzled you to some degree and yet you found yourself crawling towards him and folding your arms below you to lower your head onto the meat of his thigh. The cloth you laid on was warm from his body, the heat having seeped through the fabric, and you instantly felt the fatigue leaving your system, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment; content because he was here close by to you.

"(Y/N), you are very precious to me," he proceeded to say and you felt the thickness of his voice rumbling throughout his body like tremors. "Know that I shall never look down on you, or treat you as though you don't matter. I saw the insecurity on your face, I heard it in your voice, and I want to assure you that there is no need to worry. I won't look at you differently because you were my servant, you said so yourself at the bridge. I will cherish you and protect you no matter how others shall view us. I love you, and I know you love me too. I believe we can make this last."

You hummed your affection as he spread his blanket wide to loosely overlay it over your curled form. "I'm grateful for your affection, Lord Hanzo, and I hope that you'll have patience to bear with me. I don't want to lose you, and I believe that the gods have tied our red strings to lead us to each other. I pray it will never break."

Hanzo smiled at your vulnerability and graced your face with the softness of his gentle touch. "I assure you that it won't, my love." He then went on to continue, "Sleep for as long as you want: You don't have to worry about the servants seeing us like this. I'll wake you up in time for breakfast and we can eat here together. Of course, it all still depends on your preference."

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