Chapter 1. Storm Clouds Gather.

Start from the beginning

"What about him?" She asked fearfully. "Is he in serious trouble with the law?"

Jacobs couldn't help looking down for a second. "Ma'am, I regret to inform you that Seth Carthwrite has been charged and found guilty of theft and illegal trade. He was arrested, tried, and convicted to five years in prison."

There, he had given the news, and one look told him how bad it had hit the family. First, there was stunned silence as everyone just stared at him.

"" The young woman in the back muttered but couldn't seem to quite finish her question. The husband and wife exchanged glances.

"When did it happen?" Sam Carthwrite asked at last.

"'Bout a week ago," Jacobs informed. "I'm afraid I was the one who had to perform the arrest. The trial was just yesterday and he's been taken to the county prison. I'm really very sorry."

"What of his wife?" Ann Carthwrite whispered. "What became of Abbie Mae? Is she still at Garden Springs?"

Jacobs shifted uncomfortably. "I brought Abbie Mae Carthwrite back to Apple Wine. Yer son did ask me to take her to you, but she insisted that I bring her to her father's house. I was hesitant. Seth Carthwrite told me her father as a drinkin' problem and it would be better for her to live with her in-laws, that is with you. But Abbie Mae denied her father ever drinkin' or beating her and pleaded and begged for me to take her to her home. She nearly jumped off the chaise I was takin' her in and at last, I gave in. Don't know if it were the right thing to do, but there didn't seem to be any other option as far as she was concerned."

Sam and Ann slowly nodded their heads. "I would have preferred if she came to us as well," Ann muttered. "But she's a stubborn one, wouldn't have stayed anyway. She's very attached to her mother and will always return to her."

There was a slight pause. Jacobs put his hat back on. "I am really sorry to bring such bad tidings, Mr. and Mrs. Carthwrite. Wish I didn't have too, but it falls in my line of duty."

Sam shook his head and held out his hand. "It is not your fault, Sheriff, that our son went against the law. You did your duty, how can we hold it against you. Thank you for taking the time to come and tell us, and thank you for seeing to Abbie Mae and bringing her home. Can we offer you any supper? It's already evening and you have quite a journey ahead of you."

Jacobs gazed into sad blue eyes and he couldn't help taking a great liking to the man who owned them. He had so many scars on his face, scars on the hand he was holding out. This man must have lived through some sort of hell, but he seemed so collected and gentle at the same time.

"Appreciate the offer," Jacobs said as he took the hand and gave it a warm shake. "But I should git going now. Got family of my own waiting for me and I'd like to hurry back to them. Once again, I'm real sorry for the bad tidings. I'll wish you all a good evening."

He tipped his hat once again and went back to his horse. Glancing over his shoulder as he mounted he could see the family all still standing at the open doorway, watching as he rode away.

"They sure seem to be a tight-knit family," Jacobs mused. "Wonder what it was that caused Seth Carthwrite to turn away from them and git into so much trouble all on his own."


Sometimes storm clouds gather when you are busy with the cares of this world, and before you know it the sky is dark and overcast. For the Carthwrite family, it truly felt like this. They stood watching as the sheriff rode off on his horse. And even though the evening was beautiful, the sky clear, and a beautiful sunset spreading out in the west, it was cold and dark in the hearts of each family member. At last, Sam turned to his wife and the first thing he noticed were the tears in her eyes.

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