Social Butterfly X

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"Can we opt for the type of ballroom dance that required no touching," Damarion suggested as he sat down with Eva and Willow to decide the dance for competition.

"Pre-historic?" Eva teased him.

Instead of discussing with Damarion Eva already called for two handsome looking dance teachers for Willow.

"You can choose Willow, this is Sebastian he can teach you anything from salsa, tango, ballet to popping and locking. And this is Joseph, he is more trained in dances for a royal ball, like a waltz. In this, your eyes need to talk and express emotions just like in Pride and Prejudice." Eva explained with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Fine let's go for second since I don't think I should suddenly opt for something difficult." Willow made her choice.

Damarion kept sulking at this as Joseph started talking to Willow. He was tall with a slightly tanned and apparently for girls standard he was good looking or he thought as Eva stared at him with an appreciative glance.

"I can just teach her all the dances, I know this stuff." Damarion glared at Eva.

"And let mother find a loophole with all these rules. I don't think so." 

Joseph took Willow's hand who seemed awkward about the whole thing.

"Look into my eyes as if you are flirting or seducing me." He instructed in an accent Willow couldn't recognise.

"I am sorry but I can't even look into eyes of a person for a long time so forget about the flirting thing," Willow said dryly and that made Damarion chuckle.

"Give it a try." He said and she followed his movements.

But after a second she would look away which made Joseph smile at her.

"Does he know that she is mine?" Damarion said.

"Brother everyone knows that she is yours. But she is charming and every boy will try their luck."

"Willow, please make sure to look at me," Joseph said keeping a finger under her chin and lifting up her face.

"That's it." Damarion snapped and immediately tried to redeem himself, "You are such a bad student Willow."

Eva rolled her eyes at her brother's lame attempt.

He came forward and took Willow's hand instead, giving a forced apologetic smile to Joseph. 

"Willow look at me." He said softly and she looked at him with an amused smirk.

"You need to win this Willow because I have realised I can't see you with any other guy." He said in an utmost sincere tone.

This time Willow stared at him in shock as they circled with their palms raised.

"I will." She said and looked at his eyes which were drinking her in.

She swirled as taught and he stepped next to her matching shoulder with the shoulder. He smirked at her and she blushed.

"I can't wait to have the wedding dance with you." He said with a wishful smile.

She sucked in a sharp breath, "Are you proposing?" 

"Not like this Willow, not so simple." He said and finally grabbed her waist for the next round of the dance.

"You are a surprisingly graceful dancer." Damarion complimented.

And stepped away giving a proud smile to Joseph who looked a little crestfallen but smiled nonetheless.

"You are so marking your territory brother," Eva said in a sly tone.

"Obviously I am. I am her partner for the competition."

"You can't do that. Rules say she can't dance with the Prince but an instrcutor." Eva argued.

"Does it say in rules that Prince can't be the instructor." He sounded smug about his evil plan.

"But your girl sucks in interaction." Eva chuckled.

"Yeah as her boyfriend I am glad she is not a social butterfly," Damarion said shrugging casually.


Well, she still lacks the necessary Princess social  skills but hell yeah... I chose to write her this way!  xD

Hope you like this.. 4 more chapters to go!

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