Sober and Soft Spoken ✔

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Eva took the chance of taking Willow to the ball but that was where men were. The charity meeting of the Ringletts was not a wise choice. The elite ladies who had a lot of money from their families came to donate some to their favorite charities.

It was for a noble cause but all of them usually wasted money to other stuff and very minimal amount went to the charities. The Ringletts had a group of viper like women and it was like entering in a sorority with bitchy sisters.

Eva sat down in the furthest corner as the bidding for art started. Even at her young carefree age, she had to represent her mother in such boring occasions and she did it royally. Willow started to respect the princess as she realized that her life was not as polished and together as it seems. She had her own share of hardships to follow and eyes to please.

Willow sat next to her in a knee length peach colored dress with frill over the neckline and sleeves. It was beautiful and made her look soft and slender. Her usual gothic makeup was replaced with a light natural touch and for some reason, Willow herself exposed.

She had expensive sunglasses and a hat over her head as she heard people bidding over outrageously expensive stuff.

"She is Laurven. That old lady is sly and the worst you will meet. If she likes you that means you are in." Eva kept talking like a wikipedia on Ringletts.

"That is Maria Clare, my brother's ex. She was with him during college or she would like to think. She is sweet to everyone and that is a facade." For a moment Willow felt like she was sitting in the ring filled with lionesses.

Eva told her about Whitney, who was the nicest person on board, Sana, who was the judgmental woman, Christina who was too nosey and Jocelyn who was pure arrogant. And then there was Richard's mother who was sharp eyed and disapproving.

"Am I suppose to talk to all of them?" Willow was hit with panic at this thought.

"Yes," Eva said with an amused smile wondering how did Damarion manage to charm such a girl.

Being a princess automatically made you soft spoken. They had to smile with grace and even argue softly keeping their voice in the limit. Princess should not curse and never drink too much and talk.

But right then Willow drained the liquid courage in form of wine down her throat as the bidding came to end.

"Where do we start?"She asked bravely.

If Damarion knew Eva brought the love of his life to the sharks she was dead but Ringletts approval meant a lot and that will appeal to her mother as well. It's like society's opinion mattered more than the people who loved each other.

Willow started with the softest target smiling and talking like a lady and using all her knowledge from Eva she tried making friends there and it was incredibly hard. Her head was aching, her jaw clenched most of the times, she grew awkward quickly but Eva was a big help most of the times till they met the dangerous pair of Jocelyn and Christina.

"So this is one everyone is talking about." Jocelyn addressed Willow like an object.

Willow was on edge of snapping after all the fake smiles she has given whole day long.

But she properly shook hands with them and kept her smile.

"She is not that bad. Just with a loss of few kilos and a make over she will be fine. How much have you studied." Christina asked with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"She is pursuing an education in Princeton." Eva lied.

Or rather predicted the future as she was planning to send Willow away for proper education and everything after a week.

"What talents does she have?" Jocelyn asked and it was her tone that broke the thread.

"I play drums," Willow said a little too loudly among the delicate murmurs of the  'ladies'.

"Drums. But girls don't play drums. that sounds so unruly."

"Really? So what should girls do?" Willow asked with a saccharine smile.

Eva was now tugging on her arm to move away.

"They should just get married to a rich man, use the money to doll themselves up, burn their dreams and giggle at gossips?" She asked in an angry tone and now everyone gathered was looking at her.

"I should have expected such behavior from you. Damarion is a nice boy and he might like you now. But truthfully dear a girl with sharp edges and tongue like you deserve no respect." Jocelyn said with a poisonous tone.

"And what family do you come from? Do you even have a proper family?" Some other woman whose name Willow forgot said.

Eva was helpless she can't speak because it will hurt her name and that might make mother angrier.

"She plays drums in a band and that requires much more talent and energy that you all have to use in harassing." Surprisingly an old woman said.

Eva sighed in relief.

Laurven, the president and co-founded of Ringletts somehow decided to side with Willow on this one.

"I have a family, of course, my mother who is working hard to give me best and I work hard as well to keep her happy. We are not indulged in luxuries but we do value emotions and people. And even though you princess never raise voices but what you talk about in that hushed tone is not something soft. What is the use of all the delicate manner of speaking when you can't speak something nice." Willow snapped.

"Finally, a girl who can do better than just batting eyes lashes, giggle and talk about her 'new luxury bag' or her romantic poems." Laurven was having fun.

"Come help this old lady with cookies." She said smiling at Willow with a wrinkle near her eyes.

Trash and Damarion will soon realize his mistakes were heard among the whispers and Willow realized she will always face this discrimination.

Should she continue this just because she liked a guy a little too much?

"So Willow Gibson I assume," Laurven asked and Eva nodded in excitement.

"Eva you run along, I will have a talk with Willow. I think we are going to be best friends."

"What do you want now?" Willow asked still seething with anger.

"to sign you up for Ringletts."


"Because I think we both can do some actual good for this charity." The old woman was not joking.

"Why me?"

"We need someone who can actually voice out opinions harshly rather than sugar coating it. And these bitches outside are all lionesses in the home."

"What do I need to do?" Willow felt hopeful again.

"Let's meet the east orphanage owner who is a rowdy bastard and make him see sense."

Willow wanted to know how she could help when no one can but she didn't. From the looks of it like Eva said if Laurven accepted you than it is done.


Willow Gibson is well versed in curses, so soft spoken.... nah!

How is she doing so far? I am wondering how will Damarion react xD

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