Perfect Model Figure ✔

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"Don't slap me yet drummer, it will be dangerous for you. Help me out instead." He whispered in her ears as he broke the kiss.

Willow was furious at the moment but she inhaled sharply. She might look badass but she was not the one to through punches at people. She had the harder demeanour for just the world to see. But she did press Prince's toe under her shoes.

"Ouch." He muttered as she gave him an icy glare.

"I am just showing my pity here and not slapping hard on your face right now." She said through gritted teeth.

"That will be enough for tonight," King called out in a boisterous tone.

"Hope you all enjoyed the party, we will be sending out invitations for the selected Princess," Queen added in a sweeter tone.

The gathered audience was distributed at the occurrence and were talking in whispers about the disastrous party. Some looked furious while some looked with sympathy at the Prince.

As the hall became empty except Willow, her band, Prince and Richard, King and Queen came towards them with a disapproving look. Willow tried to wriggle out of his grasp to escape royal trouble but he held on to her like he needed moral support.

"What was all that Damarion?" Queen's tone was sharp and a little scary.

"You said I should give a chance to a girl from the ball. This drummer is at the ball, I chose her." He slurred and chuckled at his choice.

Queen inhaled sharply trying to control her rising temper.

"I don't even know him," Willow said in a dry tone.

"Then we will get to know each other sweetheart." He said smiling slyly at her.

"That's enough." Queen pleaded with her eyes to Richard for help.

And Richard pulled Damarion away.

But as the royal family walked away leaving a stunned Willow, Richard whispered to her, "He might seek you out again."


A week after the ball Prince was standing outside Chelsea's Diner. It was a popular local hangout in the town which he heard about from his college friends but never had a chance to visit. It was as tacky as he thought. The place was congested with too much crowd. There were glass windows, cheap red and yellow chairs, the walls were painted an unpleasant shade of grey with few band posters glued here and there.

The place was flooding with young people who had limited money on their hands and some kids with their families. 

Damarion noticed that the food they served was greasy, unhealthy and kind of mouth watering. As he walked in he turned few heads and he pulled his hood lower. Even though he was not the popular Prince, he kept away from cameras because that was King's job but he could be easily found with few clicks on Google.

With Richard's help, he found out that Willow Gibson was drummer's name and she worked as a part-time waitress at this diner. 

After the ball, his mother was furious and he felt kind of guilty for doing this. He had never done this, never broken rules. But that day he broke a few of them.

And now he was here to find the girl because he said that he had been dating her for few months and he was heartbroken when his mother finally decided to find a bride for him. And as expected Queen gave him a month long ultimatum to break up with the girl.

He could have said the truth but that meant he will be punished, he could have said she was a random hook up but that will tarnish his good boy image. This was Richard's not so brilliant plan and now he had to make a deal with the girl he had no clue about.

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