Aye, I Like You Enough

Start from the beginning

After he was done with the bed, he too changed and got ready for the day and together they headed to eat breakfast. He noticed Horan and Darsa were no where to be seen and figured they were still in their tent asleep and made a mental note to talk to him later that day.

Once they got their food, they sat down at the farthest table and began to eat. "What are you going to do for today?" Bjorn asked curiously as he scraped his oatmeal with his bread. Rowan swallowed her food and shrugged, "Now that you mention it I am not sure. We've no more clothes that needs to be washed and it looks like Tursa already has a few of my Sisters to help her with lunch and dinner. I think I will practice my reading and later on attempt to make amends with Darsa," she said, the last part begrudgingly. She didn't want to be the one to give in and apologize but she knew her cousin well and she would continue to give Rowan the silent treatment until she did so.

Bjorn scooped up the last of his oatmeal and picked up both of their bowls, "Well I guess I will see you later today?" He knew he needed to get started on the stables while he could. Rowan nodded, "See you."

For the next few hours Rowan practiced reading in the confines of their tent. She had learned a few more words on her own but she had to admit that it was much easier when Bjorn was there to help her.

Every once in a while a crack would sound making her jump. Soon it started to drizzle and then all of a sudden the wind picked up and it was pouring outside. Knowing this meant that Bjorn would soon take shelter in the tent rose her spirits.

Moments later he burst through the heavy maroon flaps absolutely drenched. His hair stuck to his face in swirls and his clothes clung to his body. A large puddle soon formed at his feet and she stifled a laugh.

"You do not want to go out there," Bjorn said, peeling out of his shirt.

This time Rowan didn't look away and didn't care too; he was too tempting to do such a thing. She was thankful that he was too busy to notice her as he attempted to dry himself off.

Bjorn shook his head, causing water flying all over the place as it fell from his hair. The air was cold and covered his body in goosebumps. Next he bent down and unlaced his boots, pulling the waterlogged shoes off and laid them next to the tent opening. Then he padded over to his chest and quickly stripped off his trousers, leaving him in his undergarments for a moment until he could put some dry pants on.

This was when Rowan decided to look away. She felt her face flush at what she just viewed and internally scolded herself for being so depraved.

She had heard Tursa and the other women who had attended the Skabelse talk about such desires around the small campfires on the way here and cringed at the though of thinking about a man in such a way. But as she pretended to practice reading it was the only thing she could think about. Such thoughts made her feel as if she was dirty and needed to bathe.

She was too busy reprimanding herself to notice Bjorn sit across from her at the small table and jumped when he spoke up.

"Well at least we finished one today," he Bjorn said, referring to the stables, then lightly sighed. "How is the reading going?"

Rowan swallowed hard, feeling as if she had been caught even though there was no way he was able to know her thoughts, "I guess you can say it's okay. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what this means though," she said as she pointed to the list Bjorn had gave her to work on. "I have never heard of the word 'armyuh' before."

He leaned over and looked at where the tip of her finger was. "Oh that says army," he answered. Rowan frowned, "Army? I thought 'y' made the 'yuh' sound?" Bjorn shrugged his broad shoulders, "Not all the time I suppose."

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