Layla: Really? I mean Randy has already been married so I understand but John and Eve have. Maybe that's why he is bringing you home to his family. The next big step.

Eve: Yeah I agree, you two have been through a lot, you guys are stronger than ever now. He is probably ready to move forward towards that direction. You guys are getting serious.

"You guys are right..This is serious. Kinda making me nervous.."



After hanging out with Eve and Layla I headed back to Roman's place. I went into the bedroom to see him packing some of his things.

Roman: Hey baby

"Hey, you want me to help you pack?" I asked as I sat down in front of him.

"No its okay. You should probably start packing though. The weather is gonna be really nice this week."

"So are we going to be staying in your home the entire week or we are staying somewhere else for a couple of days?"

"Well my mom wants me there the entire week, so probably the entire week? Why?"

"Its just that I'm a little nervous, a week is a long time."

" I know but don't worry, you will feel like a part of the family."

"Please don't get me in trouble while we are there."

He chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"You know that means no sex for a week, and I am not doing any funny business in your childhood home."

His eyes lit up. "I completely forgot! I'll think of something." He held my face in his hands and kissed me. "I will tell you that I love you for meeting me halfway with the sex thing. I love you for that; making that sacrifice for me.. and you barely limp anymore!"

I smiled. "Well you did cut back for me too. I was surprised but very happy. Now that you really put me first. I guess I am finally getting used to your size."

"Haha I might have to make my friend bigger, I miss when you used to scream my name uncontrollably."

I lightly punched him. "Not funny! We are still not doing anything at your parents' house. I did miss you so we might have to do a little something before we leave."

Roman: Well I'm good for right now, let's have fun!

Roman P.O.V

Christie and I just landed in Pensacola. We sat in the airport and I called my mom.

(Rm- Roman's mom)

Rm: Hello

R: Hey mom, it's me. We just landed.

Rm: Oh, that's great! You're early! I'll come get you!

R: No mom it's alright, we'll get a rental car. Just tell dad we are on our way.

Rm: Alright, I can't wait to see you! And meet your pretty girlfriend you are always talking about!

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