Road to survivor series

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Roman P.O.V
*The Next Morning*

I woke up with Christie still lying on me. She's so beautiful, i'd hate to disrupt her peace.

I checked the time and it was 9a.m. "Good Morning baby. We have an hour till the meeting. Time to wake up" I whispered.

Christie: err..okay.. ughh

"What's the matter, you don't wanna get up?"

"No roman, my ribs hurt." She winced a bit in pain.

"Doc gave me extra tape. So why don't I carry you to the bathroom and you can brush your teeth while I shower then after we switch I replace your bandages?"

Christie: alright. Thanks baby.

**1 hour later**
- Eve, Christie, Shield, CM Punk are the main people there.

Stephanie: Welcome everyone, and good morning! we've got a lot of new ideas and plans for the future and our upcoming ppv survivor series.

(I know I said they were watching previews for summer slam but I'm changing it survivor series.)

HHH: Lets get started! Shield we expect a lot from you, marking 1 year.

Seth: yes sir, we won't disappoint.

HHH: That's what we like to hear.

Stephanie: now what else is there....ah! Punk we wanna get you back in the title picture, so just to boost up the fan base and get back your attention, we thought, why not involve you in a love storyline.

I looked over at Christie and saw her tense up avoiding eye contact with everyone, even me. The entire room went still.

Punk: oh, okay. But with who?

Stephanie: Well, after a long discussion. We thought; we need a diva with popularity and a fan base to match up. So of course none other than miss.....Christie Sky!

Christie: Huh! me?! Are you sure?...

I tensed up and Seth looked at me with a reassuring look. Punk has already tried stealing Christie from me, this storyline will not do any good. But I've got to be professional.

Stephanie: Christie this will make your career go through the roof. You and Punk will definitely take WWE to the next level!

Christie: I'm not so sure abo--

Stephanie: NoNoNo! There's no arguments. This is for the company. It's our big upcoming story. Here's a copy of things that we have in mind.

Christie: ok..

Punk: Fine by me! No complaints here!

This guy must not realize I'm still in the room. If only I could just attack him right here.

HHH: Well Eve, we want you to stay heel, keep the mean girl going we love it. You and Christie will have a serious exchange of words.

Stephanie: You know what! we could work punk into that! he can surprisingly come out and be at ringside for a match where eve is ringside for the other diva.

Eve: That part sounds great!

HHH: well you guys can all relax till smackdown. Christie you are not cleared till Monday soo...

"Oh hunter I have an idea!" punk interrupted. "Why not have them do their promo and as soon as eve lets say is about to attack because Christie isn't cleared I come out and we go from there?"

Stephanie: I love that! well that's all for today we will see you all at smackdown.

We all left the office and headed to the hall.

Seth: hey big guy you okay?

"No. I don't trust punk. this story can't happen."

Dean: You can't do anything about it. It's business.

I sighed heavily.

Christie: You ready to go? Why don't we go get something to eat?

"Umm, why are you ignoring what happened?"

Seth: that's our cue to leave, we'll see you at the hotel.

*dean and Seth leave*

Christie: I don't wanna talk about it. Can we ignore it please?

"I'm not ok with this at all! I don't trust punk."

Christie: I don't wanna do this either but it's my job & you heard steph, no ifs ands or buts. I have no choice roman.

Punk: Christie! hey, looks like we're gonna be working much closer now. I'm really happy to work with you. I was wondering if you would wanna go over the story sometime tomorrow or?

"She can't! we're busy"

"We are?"

"Yes. She doesn't have time for that. We have to go."

Punk: I never knew you speak for her. My bad. ill catch you later sparkle.

Christie P.O.V

This is putting me in such an awkward position. What can I really do?

Roman: he does know we're together right?

"Babe idk but it doesn't matter. Jeff just texted me, he has to go soon. Can we go??"

"Alright lets go. We'll handle this after."


Jeff: ill see you next time I'm in town. Gonna be out for another 3 months but ill live.

'I wish you could stay!' *hugs him*

"Yeah but I've got to be home. I have Matt! ill be fine. You did amazing on raw, now I want you to win that title. Your dream is right there. And be careful with this injury.Do not get distracted."

Roman: like by punk and your love storyline.

Jeff: what! your kidding... Ill be watching for sure. He just won't go away!

"It's just business. I can't argue."

Jeff: I don't care I know how slimy and sneaky this guy is this could lead to a lot. Ill be watching. But please take care of yourself.

We finally said our goodbyes and Jeff and Matt were gone. Roman and I headed to my room. "Why did you tell Jeff?" I asked kinda annoyed.

Roman gave me a smug look "I just thought he would like to know too."

"You HAVE to get over this!! Why would you do this. Do you not trust me?!'

"It's not you I don't trust!" He started. "It's him. Don't you remember that big confrontation we had? I didn't exactly forget."

I sighed. I took his hand and led him to sit with me on the bed. "I know things are really bad but please! for me, don't let this get you worked up. Just remember its only business"

Roman: fine, ill try. But it won't be easy.

"You said you'll try that makes me happy." *kisses him* So what are doing now?

Roman: I kinda wanted to go to the gym but I know you can't do anything with your ribs....

"Lets go!"

Roman was shocked and confused. "Huh? that wasn't what I expected"

"I know I can't do anything but I wanna watch my man workout. Bout to go to work!"

Roman: haha. Lets get Seth and Dean And go!

F/f to the gym

"Lets go boys push it! No pain, no game! haha"

Dean: I don't know about them, but I don't feel any pain. I could go all day but...

Seth: we've done over 200 push-ups I think we are good to stop.

Roman: I agree. Time for water, and we can go shower.

They all grabbed their towels and wiped the sweat off their faces. Seeing them work out did make me a bit sad I couldn't join them. I was pretty deep in thought and I guess roman noticed.

"You okay babe, Whats on your mind?" he asked me.

"I was just thinking about ways I could workout and I thought a way to practice is--

Roman: no! I don't think you should do anything that could hurt you. Doc said take it easy.

"Well I'm fine right now. It only hurts when I stretch it too much. I have an idea" I smiled.

Roman: oh no..

"You just go take your shower and come back."

10 minutes later.

"Seth, can you do me a favour?"

Seth: what is it?

"Can you lock up with me. It would be easiest with you since your closest to my height." I was pretty tall for a diva being 5'8 but roman still had a good amount of height over me being 6'3. Seth was only 6'1

Seth: are you sure you won't hurt your ribs?

"I don't wanna sit and do nothing this entire week."

Seth agreed and we locked up. I got the upper hand and Seth reversed. "You okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Keep going." I reversed and and put him in a headlock.

Seth: I don't even feel anything. Your headlock isn't tight enough.

Dean: it's your hand position. Move your hand around the neck higher up and tighter grip.

I did what I was told. "Great just like that." Seth complimented me.

"Now if I were to reverse I would have to flip you on your back."

I let go. "No I can't do that. But thanks Seth."

Roman: at least we know you can do a bit without being hurt.

We left the gym.

*Back in the hotel room*
2:00 p.m.


Roman: Yeah?

"Can we go out for lunch?"

Roman: sure, why all of a sudden though?

"We haven't had time to sit down quietly and talk with time to ourselves."

Roman nodded "you're right. Lets get ready."


"So how do you feel about survivor series coming so close?"

R: I'm really excited. I can't believe it's been 1 year already. I'm hoping to make a name for myself and put on a great show.

"I know you will. So that you can show that you are more than just the muscle of the group"

"Yeah. I want to be champion one day. But I love being apart of the shield. Those guys are my family."

"Yeah I know. I hope I can get that title, it's all I've been working towards."

"Don't worry Christie? you know what you are capable of. Don't sell yourself short. Eve is a great athlete but you are too. you guys will put on an amazing match."

"I hope to win that amazing match. I mean you dean and Seth are all champions. Tag team champs and u.s champ. You guys dominate. I want to be on top too. Just like my man" I smiled and he smirked at me.

Roman: well your man is done eating why don't we go home and relax.

"Sounds good to me"

(Nothing else to really talk about so I'm going to fast forward a few days to a live show)

Matt Striker: Welcome everybody to Main Event!



"The following contest is a six man tag team match and it is set for one fall. Introducing first. The Shield!"

I watched backstage as they made their entrance. For heels people really do love them.

"And their opponents, introducing first.. Jimmy and Jey Uso!
And their tag team partner R-Truth!"

:Wow your not even gonna at least pay a bit of attention to the match. Haha

I turned around. "Phil? What are you doing here?"

"I knew you would be here so I decided to drop by. What you don't even know me anymore?"

I didn't respond because I was paying attention to the match, roman was in the ring with r-truth. I loved watching him wrestle. I think his strength is incredible.

Phil: Christie! your really gonna ignore me.

"I'm watching my baby's match. Now isn't the best time to talk to me."

Phil: oh okay... *walks away*

Christie *sighs of relief*
"Woahh! what are you doing! put me down! Your hurting me!!" before I knew it I was in a small room.

"What do you want from me!"

Phil: I just want you to acknowledge me. You ignore me as if we never had anything in the past. Christie. We loved each other, we talked about marriage, kids, and now you act like you don't even know me.

"Phil I'm tired of hearing the same things over and over again. All of that ended because you wanted it to. But I'm glad it did. I have someone better and I'm happy!"

"Is that why you still have everything I ever gave you from when we were together."

I became tense. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Haha, so what do u have to say about the teddy bear, picture collages, the card with the letter. And where do you think that necklace you're wearing came from?"

I looked at the locket I was wearing. It was a silver heart

"The 2 Cs engraved on it because both our ring names begin with C. I spent 15k because you deserve it. Remember that sparkle?"

I looked away from him, abut embarrassed. "If you claim we don't have anything anymore, take the necklace off and throw it at me."

I couldn't do it. I don't know why. I ran out the room.

Phil: Ill see you at Smackdown sparkle. *smiles*

A/N- What a confrontation!! The road to survivor series isn't off to a good start. How will this love storyline play out? I see chaos coming on Smackdown. Will Roman be able to keep his cool throughout all of this?

Stay Tuned!!



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